American progress

US History: The Growth of a Nation - Aisha Iskandar

  • American Independence Day

  • The signing of The Constitution

    It was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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    Federalist Era (height of Federalist influence)

    This was the era in which the Federalist Party was the most influencial in American politics.
  • Formation of the Federalist Party

    Formation of the Federalist Party
    The Federalist Party consisted of people who supported the Constitution. These people believed that the Constitution would create a strong, national government. It was led by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.
    Due to controversy over the Federalist Party's support of the Jay Treaty, the Bank of the United States, and the undeclared war on France, a new party was founded - the Democratic Republicans Party.
  • John Adams took office (as president)

    John Adams took office (as president)
    John Adams became president and was the only Federalist to become president of the United States. He was the second president of the United States and only served one term in office (due to the fact that he lost the re-election to Thomas Jefferson).
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    John Adams's time in office

    John Adams nominated John Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Without this action, the growth of America may have been stunted or less rapidly.
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    John Marshall's tenure as Chief Justice

    John Marshall has served the longest tenure as Chief Justice. He helped set many structural lines in the government. He helped establish the Supreme Court as highest authority in matters of the U.S Constitution. The Marshall Court created important legal precedents that strengthened the Supreme Court as equal to the other branches of the national government. The decision made by the Supreme Court helped strengthen the power of the national government as well as the Judiciary branch.
  • Thomas Jefferson took office (as president)

    Thomas Jefferson took office (as president)
    Thomas Jefferson became the third president of the United States. Not only was he a Democratic - Republican, he also led the party. He served two terms (eight years) and was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase, without him, the United States of America may never have expanded more quickly or developed more rapidly.
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    Thomas Jefferson's time in office

    Thomas Jefferson was able to reduce the national debt by more that 25%.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    A deal between the United States and France in which the United States purchased approximated 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for 15 million dollars. Thomas Jefferson was able to broker this deal, and this exchange doubled the size of the United States of America.
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    War of 1812

    The major reasons why the war of 1812 occurred was due to Great Britain's attempts to restrict U.S trade and the United States' ambitions to expand its territory. Even though the Treaty of Ghent was signed on December 24 in 1814, the last battle was fought in New Orleans.
    People wanted find land for themselves which is why they went west. Eventually, railroads and canals were built that helped the growth of the industrial economy.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The signing of the Treaty of Ghent occurred on December 24, 1814, however, it was finally ratified on February 17, 1815.
    After the American victory over the British in the War of 1812, the U.S claimed the Oregon Territory.
    The immigration to the west and the vast economic opportunity that arose brought with it rise in sectional interests that brought about the participation in national and state politics.
  • James Monroe became president

    His presidency lasted until March 4, 1825. In his time as president, the Monroe Doctrine was made and put into effect.
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    James Monroe's time in office (as president)

    The Monroe Doctrine stated that United States of America would not interfere in European affairs and that nations in the Western Hemisphere were inherently different from European nations. They were republic and would not develop into a monarchy.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This document was created to ensure that European nations had no claim on the United States of America and prevented said nations from exploring, claiming and colonizing new land in the Americas (north and south). If such thing were to happen it would be considered an act of agression.
    This document was the last step that ensured the freedom of the United States from other powers. This shows that extended land was already claimed and indicated that the land was going to be occupied (expansion).
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    Age of Jackson

    Andrew Jackson was president from 1829-1837.
    In his time in office, the Federalist Party disappeared and new parties were formed. The two new parties were the Whigs and the Know-Nothings made to oppose the Democratic Party.
    In his time as president, Andrew Jackson encouraged westward movement and initiated an Indian removal policy forcing all Natives to move west of the Mississippi River.
  • Whigs Political Party formed

    Made to oppose Jacksonian Democrats. Whigs was a term used in British history to represent the people who opposed the monarch, thus, the Whig Party's reference of Andrew Jackson being "King Andrew". They believed that the government and form of leadership was turning into a monarchy.
  • The first time 'Manifest Destiny' was coined

    The first time 'Manifest Destiny' was coined
    Coined by journalist John L. O'Sullivan wrote an essay in which he finally puts a name to the idea - manifest destiny. Manifest Destiny was the general idea that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the entire continent. This ambition forced Native Americans out of their homelands and made them relocate or move to reservations. The trek to their 'new homes' were known as the "Trail of Tears" due to the sorrow of the Natives from losing their ancestral homes.