Civil war uniforms

U.S History Civil War Era events

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Was a compromise of how the extention of slavery would be layed out in the new territories.
  • Compromis of 1850

    Compromis of 1850
    In this compromise California was created as a free state but the South got stricter Fugitive Slave Laws. This was made so the Union would stay together longer.
  • Publication of "Uncle Toms Cabin"

    Publication of "Uncle Toms Cabin"
    This book showed how the slaves were truly treated. It showed the hard ships that the slaves had to face and also showed how terribly they were treated.
  • Republican Party is formed

    Republican Party is formed
    The republican party was formed in place of the Wig party falling apart. The party was formed to be against slavery and help abolish it.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act is passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act is passed
    This act made the "Mason Dixon Line" which is on the 36'30' and seperated the slave states from the free states.
  • Dred Scott Decision is made

    Dred Scott Decision is made
    The Dred Scott case came to be when a slave owner took a slave across the Mason Dixon Line and lived. When the slave owner died while having Scott on the free side of the Line Scott believed he should be a free man.
  • John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry begins

    John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry begins
    The raid on Harpers Ferry lasted from the 16th of Oct. to the 18th of Oct. The raid was an attempt to take arms from the North for use in the South.
  • Abraham Lincoln is eleted president

    Abraham Lincoln is eleted president
    Abraham Lincoln is possibly the most popular of all the U.S. Presidents. Lincoln is know for his great speeches and for the proclamation of emancipation.
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
    South Carolina was the 1st state that seceded from the Union and others followed shortly after. These states formed the Confederate States of America.
  • Firing on Fort Sumter, SC

    Firing on Fort Sumter, SC
    Fort Sumter was the start of the Civil War. No one knows for sure which side actually shot first.