US History

  • 1400

    The Age of Discovery

    The Age of Discovery
    Europeans began to explore and affect the New World with their presence. This even lasted from the 15th to the 18th century and established the world as we know it today.
  • 1552

    Bartolomé de las Casas writes "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies"

    Bartolomé de las Casas writes "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies"
    A Spanish friar speaks on the manner Spanish colonists were treating the newfound land and the Native People residing on it. He was one of the few who saw the wrong in it, and wrote this book on the situation. This book depicts relations between colonizers and the Spanish.
  • The Establishment of Jamestown

    The Establishment of Jamestown
    Jamestown was the first successful colony established by the British in Virginia. They struggled to maintain themselves for a period of time, but recovered due to tobacco production, and aided in British mercantilism.
  • Pocahontas Dies in Europe

    Pocahontas Dies in Europe
    After the arrival of Pocahontas to New England, it is presumed she contracted a disease which caused her death. Her disease-caused death is an example of consequences interaction between American Indians and Europeans.
  • The Pequot War (Massacre)

    The Pequot War (Massacre)
    This was a confrontation between the Pequot tribal group and colonist, where colonist raided Pequot settlements to kill and burn them to the ground. This war is an example of what lengths colonizers would go through to gain territory and deal with threats to their well-being.
  • The Pueblo Revolt

    The Pueblo Revolt
    An Indian tribe, referred to as Pueblos, stood up against Spanish attempts of converting them to Christianity. The indeginous people disliked the approach used by Spanish colonizers of destroying their religious artifacts. This serves to show the unstable relationship between colonizers and Native Americans.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    These were a set of accusations against people of Salem, Massachusetts. The people there lacked a sense of security and mass hysteria broke out, resulting in more than 20 executions. This shows the lack of control, or lack of knowledge the government had to take control of the situation.
  • The Encomienda System Ends

    The Encomienda System Ends
    The manner by which the Spanish went about converting Natives to Christianity came to an end, signifying a shift in the relationship between Spanish colonizers and Natives.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    This was a religious movement carrying emotional preaching by pastors such as George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards. They believed the people of the British colonies were becoming too engrossed in material wealth, so they began preaching in the middle of the roads which attracted the colonizers. This religious re-emergence inspired a rebellion against authoritarian rule.
  • Winter in Valley Forge

    Winter in Valley Forge
    During the American revolution, General George Washington and his troops lodged in Valley Forge, a military camp in Pennsylvania. This was a brutal time and the moral was low among the troops due to the hunger and disease found there. The Continental Army came very close to disbanding.
  • Shays's Rebellion

    Shays's Rebellion
    Veteran farmer Daniel Shays led a violent revolt to protest the taxes imposed on fellow farmers. This was in the era of the Articles of Confederation, which did not allow the federal government to become involved. This showed the people the newly instated government was ineffective and could not respond to a crisis effectively, which angered them.
  • The Whisky Rebellion

    The Whisky Rebellion
    When farmers in Pennsylvania expressed their opposition to Hamilton's tax on whisky, claiming if a state is in debt other states shouldn't be responsible for greeting then out of it. This shows the people struggling under the newly established government.
  • George Washington's Farewell Address is Published

    George Washington's Farewell Address is Published
    In the newspaper "American Daily Advertise" by David C. Claypoole, President Washington announces he will not be seeking a third term in office. Within the address, he speaks of his vision for the new nation, how he would like to see a policy of neutrality where they do not become allied or involved with other nations and stay true to previously established allies. This would be in the best interest of the people, says he.
  • The Tariff of 1828

    The Tariff of 1828
    Southern states believed the taxes raising the price of manufactured goods imposed by congress to protect industries in the North were unfair. It led to an increase feeling of sectionalism (loyalty to one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole) as Southerners stood by state's rights.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    The Nullification Crisis
    South Carolina believed State's Rights were greater than federal law. They believed the Tariff imposed by Andrew Jackson were unconstitutional and declared them null and void within the state. This contributed to the feeling of sectionalism within the country.
  • The American Federation of Labor is Founded

    The American Federation of Labor is Founded
    This was an organization created by the people, to serve the people. The AF of L aided workers in acquiring improvements in the workplace where bosses demanded long hours, cut pay, or neglect the safety of the employees. This acts to show American people demanding to be heard by authoritative figures.
  • Homestead Strike Commences

    Homestead Strike Commences
    The homestead strike led by the workers of the Carnegie Steel Company at Homestead, Pennsylvania was held to protest wage cuts. Violence was a measure that was ultimately resorted to, showing just how negligent and unwilling the bosses were to listen to the workers; also working to prove the lengths workers were willing to go to secure their say in their work place.
  • The 19th Amendment is Passed

    The 19th Amendment is Passed
    Women were not allowed to vote along with the male population after decades of women being adamant about receiving rights. This led to a feeling of liberation among women.
  • The Emergency Quota Act is Passed

    The Emergency Quota Act is Passed
    Because a sense of nativism began to arise among the people of America, the government made it possible to limit the amount of immigrants allowed into the country based on the population of the nationality already present. Americans feared immigrants endangered the established way of american life.
  • The Stock Market Crashes

    The Stock Market Crashes
    A multitude of individuals become suspicious of the stock market and sell their stocks, triggering a larger multitude of people to do the same. This gravely reduced the price of stock, driving the world into a massive recession known as the Great Depression.
  • The First Sit-ins are Hosted

    The First Sit-ins are Hosted
    In the Royal Ice Cream Parlor in Durham, North Carolina, protesters from Ashbury United Methodist church began practicing sit-ins to act against segregation laws. This was a way for people who disagreed with the government's decisions to speak and act against them in hopes of getting their voices and opinions heard. They wished to change the government's policies for the better.
  • Sputnik is Launched into Space

    Sputnik is Launched into Space
    The launching of this Russian satellite was effective in bringing beginnings to the Space Race during the time of the Cold War. Because of this, the United State's government provided the American people with a greater amount of science and technology education, where previously the subjects were a minor thing.
  • Presidential Debates Become Televised

    Presidential Debates Become Televised
    Presidential nominees Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy engage in the first ever televised presidential debates. This allowed for the people of America to have a new perspective while deciding who they wanted to be the head of the country. It shaped the way the people assessed political figures.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    North Vietnamese military commander chose the Vietnamese holiday of Tet to lead a series of surprise attacks on US outposts in hopes of breaking the stalemate. President Johnson was urged to scale back US involvement in Vietnam due to the attacks, anti-war sentiment grew throughout the population.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    The Ohio National Guard shot and killed four (wounded nine) unarmed college students who were protesting the Vietnam War. This works to show how many Americans were against the government's actions, and also how these opposers were dealt with. This event also contributed to the downfall of President Nixon.
  • The Break-ins at Watergate

    The Break-ins at Watergate
    President Nixon became paranoid of his democratic counterparts, as a result he planned to bug the area in which they were residing. Nixon's administration attempted to cover up the involvement, resulting in the people's distrust in the government as a whole.