us history 2

  • dawes act

    dawes act
    broke up reservations
  • bolshevik revolution

    bolshevik revolution
    armed forces takeover a government building
  • paris peace conference

    paris peace conference
    5 treaties were signed
  • treaty of ver.

    treaty of ver.
    one of the treaties signed in paris
  • washington navel conference

    want to stay without war
  • stalin comes to power

    stalin comes to power
    stalin becomes leader
  • rapollo treaty

    rapollo treaty
    germany and russia give back all unorginal territory
  • england refuses a new alliance with japan

    england refuses a new alliance with japan
    japan and england aren't allies anymore
  • beer hall putsch

    beer hall putsch
    a failed invasion
  • mein kampf

    mein kampf
    a autobiography about hitlers struggles
  • stock market crash

    the stock market collapsed
  • maginot line

    maginot line
    concrete installations and defenses
  • japan invades maucharia

    japan invades maucharia
    maucharia gets invaded by japan
  • ukrainian famine

    ukrainian famine
    ukraine suffered for nt supporting stalin
  • Enigma machine used in Britain

    Enigma machine used in Britain
  • chancallor hitler

    chancallor hitler
    he only became it because it kept him and his party in check
  • First concentration camps established

    First concentration camps established
    jewish torture stations
  • Night of Long Knives

    Night of Long Knives
    a tuning point for the german gov
  • Hitler declares himself Vice Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany

    Hitler declares himself Vice Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany
    hitler leads germany
  • US Neutrality Acts

    US Neutrality Acts
    a neutral us again
  • berlin olyimpics

    berlin olyimpics
    germany tried to out do the la olyimpics 4 yrs. ago
  • rape of naking

    rape of naking
    half the citizens were killed by the imperial army
  • austria invaded

    austria invaded
    nazi vehicles rolled through austria
  • stalin and the great terror

    stalin and the great terror
    make sure people listen to stalin
  • Krystallnacht

    attacks against jews
  • czech is invaded

    czech is invaded
    germany suprises czech with taking them over
  • studenland invaded

    studenland invaded
    studenland invaded
  • Einstein writes a letter to FDR on the possibility of Atomic Weapons

    Einstein writes a letter to FDR on the possibility of Atomic Weapons
    possible atomic bomb
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    more enemies for germany
  • munich conference

    munich conference
    desision to annex czech
  • Nazi Soviet Anti -Aggression Pact

    Nazi Soviet Anti -Aggression Pact
    germay and russia are now allies
  • invasio of poland

    invasio of poland
    germany and russiainvaded poland
  • Nazi occupation of Norway

    Nazi occupation of Norway
    norway was under sige
  • scandinavian war

    scandinavian war
    the allies and germany fought for scandinavia
  • Defeat of French army by the Nazis

    Defeat of French army by the Nazis
    france lost to germany
  • Desert Campaigns in Africa Begin

    Desert Campaigns in Africa Begin
    africa warzone again
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    a great battle in england
  • US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    last time we use atomic weapons
  • Winter War between Finland and Russia

    Winter War between Finland and Russia
    war in finland
  • Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa

    Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa
    hitler lauches an operation
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    japanese attack in hawii
  • FDR signs Executive order 9066, beginning Japanese internment

    FDR signs Executive order 9066, beginning Japanese internment
    prisoners of war camps
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    tis a battle
  • Manhattan Project Begins

    Manhattan Project Begins
    making the atomic bomb
  • Nimitz and McArthur begin island hopping in the Pacific

    Nimitz and McArthur begin island hopping in the Pacific
    america generals try to take control of the central pacific
  • d day

    d day
    the invasion of normandy
  • Operation Market Garden

    Operation Market Garden
    a special operation
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    was a battle
  • fdr is dead

    fdr is dead
    died froma brain anuiseral
  • Nazi Final Solution Developed

    Nazi Final Solution Developed
    allowed them to kill lots of jews
  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
    close ally with hitler central figure head of facism
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
  • Surrender of Germany

    Surrender of Germany
    germany quts
  • US victory at Iwo Jima

    US victory at Iwo Jima
    we win
  • First successful test of atomic bomb

    First successful test of atomic bomb
    First successful test of atomic bomb
  • Surrender of Japan

    Surrender of Japan
    japan quits
  • Winston Churchill Comes to power in England

    Winston Churchill Comes to power in England
    churchill becomes primeminister