US History 1800-1876

  • US Capitol is Moved

    The United States Capitol is moved to Washington D.C. It was originally located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Thomas Jefferson is Elected Third President

    Thomas Jefferson is elected the third president of the United States. He is the third president behind Washington and Adams.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson purchases the $15 million territory from France. The area of this territory was from the west of the Mississippi River and to the east of the Rocky Mountains.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark set off on an expedition with the goal of reaching the Pacific Ocean. The also planned on exploring out west and seeing what that land had to offer.
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    War of 1812

    The United States declared war on England because of their interference with American maritime shipping. This would be a difficult war and many Americans would die, the White House would also be burned down by the British.
  • Indian Removal Act

    President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act in attempts to move the Native Americans out of New American land. Land west of the Mississippi River was US land and Jackson forced many Natives to move further west.
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    Mexican War

    The United States declared war on Mexico in attempts to gain more land to the west. The US won the war because Mexico had financial issues. The US gain California and more territory in the southwest.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman was a slave in the south who managed to escape her owners and be a free woman in the north. She realized that she couldn't leave her people captive so she would return to the south and help other slaves escape. This would become known as the Underground Railroad.