us 4 Michelle castro

  • Washington's Presidency

    Washington was president and set up the government .
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Set up the court system.
  • Cotton gin

    Eli Whitney invented it and made cotton- growing very profitable . Also the population of slaves grew.
  • Adam's presidency

    Issueed the alien and sedition Acts.
  • Jefferson's presidency

    1st peaceful transfer of power from one party to the another.
  • Louisana purchase

    Doubled the size of the U.S.
  • Marbury vs.Madison

    Established the power of judicial review.
  • War of 1812

    British interefered with american shipping.
  • Mcculloch vs. Maryland

    Established the doctrine of impiled powers and showed the court could mediate between state and federal government.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Divided LA purchase at 36 , 30' dived the North line to be free state and the South line to be slave state.
  • Gibbons vs. ogden

    Confrimed the federal government power over commerce.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Warned Europe against: future colonization in the Americans, and interference in any independent courty in the wastern hemisphere.