United States History by: john nathan stolle

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carter

    Guarenteed rights to nobel and free men
  • Lost Colony

    on Roanoke Island the "lost colony" sponsored by Sir Walter Taleigh was founded. This island was off of the coast of North Carolina. The Settlers vannished in 1590.
  • Jamestown

    John Smith and 105 settlers founded Jamestown wich is the first successful colony by English settlers.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly in the colonies at Jamestown. Brought other settlers to the New World.
  • Pilgrims

    Pilgrims left on the Mayflower and settled in the New World. They created the Mayflower Compact. Half of the colony died during the harsh winters.
  • Providence

    Roger Wiliams founded Providence in june as a democratically ruled colony. and Harverd was also founded.
  • First navagation act

    British parliament passed the first navigaion act restricted colony commerce ffor the british need.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacon led a rebellion against the british government. The rebellion ended when Bacon and 23 others died.
  • Willam Penn signed treaty

    in 1683 William Penn signed a treaty with Delaware indians. The first German colonists arived and settled near philadelphia.
  • Witchcraft delusion

    At Salem in Massachutest witchcraft delusion. 20 witches were executed by a special court.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin published a book called the First Poor Richard's Almanack.
  • John Peter Zenger

    John Peter Zenger was an editor and in New York criticized the British Government.
  • Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening was a religious movement. A famous sermon was "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," by Jonathan Edwards.
  • Albany Plan

    The Albany Plan of Union was created and aproved by New York Congress.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian war started when France moved into Ft. Duquesnc and Britian moved acadian French from Nova Scotia to Louisiana.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was placed on lumber duties, food and molasses and rum to play of the debt of the French and Indian war.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was created by the Parliament to help fund royal troops. Every document had to be stamped and that cossed money.
  • Quartering Act

    Colonists had to house British troops .
  • Townshend Act

    taces on glass, painters lead, paper, adn tea. all of them were repealed except the tea act
  • Boston Massacre

    Colonists were throwing things at british troops so the fired into the Boston mob and killed 5 people including a black man.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists dressed like indians and boarded a british trade ship full of tea, and threw all the tea into the boston river.
  • Intolerable Acts

    British Parliament placed a set of rules on the colonies that were cruel so they were called the intolerable acts
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick henry said his famous quote "give me liberty of give me death.
    Paul Revere and William Dawes had there famous ride adn said"the british are coming"
    Lexington and bunker hill were too important battles that happened.
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense and sold 100,000 he Declaration of Independece was writen to declare independece from Britian
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of conferderation were and extention to the declaration of independence.
  • JPJ

    John Paul Jones won a famous sea battle in British North Sea waters.
  • Yorktown

    Yorktown was the last battle and the colonies won the war. this lead to the treaty of Paris
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was the treaty that officialy ended the war, and recognizing Americas independence. Washingtons army won.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    this was a document that said that no one could settle on the other side of the Mountains so that the army could pretect them.
  • George Washington

    George Washington was president and beat John adams so he became vice president.
  • Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights was an adition to the US constitution. They were also the first ten amendments.
  • Washington inaugurated

    Washington inaugurated for his second term. and john adams became vice president again. Washington decarled that the US would remain nutral in the war between France and BRtitian
  • whiskey rebellion

    the whiskey rebelion. western farmers rebelled because the government put a tax on whiskey.
  • farwell

    Washingtons farwell adress as president was on September 17. he warned the US about making perminant alliences with foriegn powers.
  • Sedition acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts was passed by the federalists and intended to silence plitical opposition.
  • Thomas Jefferson as President

    Thomas Jefferson become pressident when him and aaron burr had the same number of votes. the house bote was the final desicion.
  • Marbury vs Madison

    This case ended and gave supreme court more power. The US bought the Louisiana purchase from Napolian for $11250000
  • Lewis and Clarke

    Lewis and Clark expedition was from louisiana to the pecific ocean to ecplore the new land
  • Embargo Act

    banned all trade with foreign countries for bidding ships to set sail for foreign ports.
  • war of 1812

    it had 3 main battles. britian seized US ships that were trading with France. Britian had seized and nutralized 4000 US sailors.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Oliver H. Perry was the commander of the US and defeated breitish fleet. US won the battle but didnt win in Cacadian invasion attempts.
  • Capitol Burned

    British fleet burned the White House and Capitol.
    Frances Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner.
    Troops under Andrew Jackson defeated Indians
  • US gains Florida

    Spain ceded Florida to the US.
    First part steam powered boat.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    opposing european intervention in the Americas, unuciated by pres james
  • Webster Hayne debate

    state right to nullify federal law.
    Mormon chuch organized by Joseph Smith
  • Nat Turner

    Nat Turner was a black slave from virginia. HE led a rebellion and then was hung
  • Trail Of Tears

    The US made alot of indians go on a long trail to Oregon so that they could live on an indian reservation.many indians died
  • First telegraph line

    The first telegraph was sent by the inventor Samuel F.B. Morse from washington to baltimore
  • Mexican War

    The Mexican war began because the US had annexed Texas into US. The war finally ended after 3 months
  • Gold Rush

    Gold was discovered in California and many citizens moved to California to find Gold. Most of them were not succeful in finding Gold.
  • Compromise of 1820

    The Compromise of 1850 admitted California as 31st state with slavery not allowed. made Utah and New Mexico new territories
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin was a book that showed how cruel slave owners were to slaves. This boook was written by harriet beecher stow.
  • republican party was formed

    the Republencan Party formed at Ripon. it opposed the kansas-nebraska act, which left issures of slavery
  • Dred Scott

    dred scott decision by supreme court march 6 held that slaves did not becone free in a free state, congress could not bar slvery
  • John Brown

    John Brown led 21 men to rebell he siezed the US armory at harper ferry and captured raider. he was hung for treason
  • Pony Express

    Abraham becomes the 16th president
  • Gettys berg adressq

    Abraham lincoln gives his famous gettysberg adress. Union wins at gettysberg.
  • Surender

    Robert E Lee surrendered onfederate troops to Gen Grant at Court House. war ends and lincoln is shot by John wilks Booth.Booth was hunted downand fatall;y wounded
  • 14 Amendment

    Providing for citiezenship of all peoplse born or naturalized in the US
  • 15 Amendment

    The 15th Amendment makingrave no bar to votin rights
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Braton founded the Red cross