United States History

  • Oct 15, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sails across the Atlantic Ocean

    Christopher Columbus sails across the Atlantic Ocean
    Funded by the Spanish empire, Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean with three ships; the nina, pinta, and santa maria. He spent 96 days exploring islands off of the coast of florida and laid ground for the colonization of the Americas.
  • Puritan leader John Winthrop

    Puritan leader John Winthrop
    John Winthrop attractednmany followers in the colonies and founded Massachusetts Bay colony. He created a moral society based around religious faith and heavily influenced the culture of the American colonies. They also set up a system of democracy in their government.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment promoted free thought and scientific advancement in a country run by religion. Great thinkers emerged from this era and revolutionized the thought process of the common citixen.
  • Intolerable and Stamp Acts begin American Revolution

    Intolerable and Stamp Acts begin American Revolution
    Acts such as the intolerable and stamp act caused revolt from the colonies against the British Empire. The colonists decided to start a revolution to declare independance from Britain
  • Americans declare independance from Britain

    Americans declare independance from Britain
    American colonists declared independance from the British empire and planned to set up their own government in the United States.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson completed the Louisiana purchase from France and gained westward territory for the United States. This doubled the size of the United States.
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act forced millions of Native Americans out of their terriory. The United States seized this opportunity to expand west.
  • The Manifest Destiny

    The Manifest Destiny
    The Manifest Destiny was the belief that America had the God-given right to claim all of the land west of the Atlantic Ocean. This unified the country and caused a push towards westward colonization.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention

    The Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls Conventions was a meeting held to argue for womens rights. They wanted the right to vote, public education, and equal treatment in society. This caused a push towards equal rights for all in America
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush pushed many Americans Westward in search of riches through gold mining. It also caused a linking of the country for coast to coast dut to the constant travel across the land.
  • The Market Revolution

    The Market Revolution
    The Market Revolution caused a change of prodution in the U.S. as more people started working in factories and othe manufacrturing jobs. This increased the pace of the economy in the 1800s and changed America to be a working country.
  • Social Darwinism affects the economy

    Social Darwinism affects the economy
    Social darwinism caused the thought of free buisness market so that the best would flourish in the economy. This created monopolies that dominated the free market.
  • The second Great Awakening

    The second Great Awakening
    The second great awakening caused many people to revive their faith in christianity and also caused many slaves in the south to hope for freedom from their horrible lives working on plantations.
  • The Civil War begins

    The Civil War begins
    Union and Confederate forces clash after the southern states secceed due to the Union pushing to abolish slavery.
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends
    The confederacy surrenders to the Union forces after being blockaded and cut down on the battlefield for 4 years. Abraham lincoln claimed presedancy over the United States.
  • Railroads built across America

    Railroads transformed America by connecting the country from coast to coast. it allowed for increased transportation and boosted the economy. it also contributed to the infrastructure of America and made communication more convinient.
  • African Americans gain rights

    African Americans gain suffrage in the United States as well as the right to own land. The reconstruction era begins as the United States rebuilds its economy.
  • The Reconstruction Era pushes the United States forward

    The Reconstruction Era pushes the United States forward
    Thomas Edison allows for the use of electricity in factories. This caused an economic explosion which propelled America forward into a modern era with advanced communication and efficient us of transportation.
  • Immigration and workers strikes

    Immigration and workers strikes
    As factory jobs became more popular in America, many immigrants came to America in search of money. This led to many cases of unfair treatment from buisness owners and caused workers strikes and the formation of Unions.
  • Immigration increases in the United States

    Immigration increases in the United States
    Millions of European and Asian immigrants came to the United States in search of a better life. They faced heavy discrimination from their jobs and often received less pay than the average American citizen.