Unit Four George Washington & Andrew Jackson

By ag31026
  • George Washington is inaugurated

    George Washington is inaugurated
    George Washington, commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, has been inaugurated as the first president of the United States of America. Elected by a unanimous vote, George Washington served two terms and approximately eight years total.
  • George Washington creates the cabinet

    George Washington creates the cabinet
    I am aware that the cabinet was made later, but there is no EXACT date for the cabinet, so we're going to say 1789 anyway. Of course, being the first president and the precedent for the country he was leading, George Washington needed a little help, so, he recruited Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, John Jay, Henry Knox, and others to form the first cabinet of the United States.
  • Period: to

    George Washington - War of 1812 - Andrew Jackson

  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    During Washington's presidency, Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton decided to start taxes to get revenue to pay the debts from the previous war. With that, he decided to put a tax on whiskey, a favorite drink in America. That didn't go over well in Pennsylvania, where the Quakers used to reisde. The started to not pay any taxes, and soon the rebellion picked up steam.
  • James Madison declares war on Great Britain

    James Madison declares war on Great Britain
    After the trade restrictions and impressment of American sailors by Great Britain, James Madison sends a list of grievances to Congress, but the House of Representatives decides to declare war on Great Britain after some thought. The Senate gives it the okay, and so does James Madison. However, no Federalist agrees to the war, and calls it "Mr. Madison's War."
  • The White House is Burned

    The White House is Burned
    In retaliation for the burning of York (Canada), Great Britain burned the White House. Although some said it would never happen, it did and thankfully James Madison was able to flee. As for his wife Dolly Madison, she was able to rescue the painting of George Washington, and carried it to safety. By some act of the supernatural, a hurricane made its way to Washington DC and put out the fire, and hurricanes don't come to that part of east America.
  • Andrew Jackson is Inagurated

    Andrew Jackson is Inagurated
    Andrew Jackson, an American soldier in the War of 1812, Revolutionary War, and First Seminole War, was inagurated on March 4th 1829. Jackson was a Democrat, but also known as a "donkey" (well...) He supported the "Common Man" (White men), and made the Spoils System more popular.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Andrew Jackson hated the Native Americans, so he signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to get rid of all the Natives. In 1838 this went into serious effect, and the Natives were forced into present day Oklahoma, walking from areas like Georgia all the way to Oklahoma. Over 6,000 people died on the trail.