Unit 6

By wpease1
  • Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests in Americas

    Monroe Doctrine reflects special US interests in Americas
    This was a big event because it was the US trying to control European countries, even if it didn't really work.
  • China and Britain clash in the Opium War

    China and Britain clash in the Opium War
    This was a big event because it was what gave Britain Hong Kong for the next 99 years
  • Commodore Perry enter's Tokyo Harbor

    Commodore Perry enter's Tokyo Harbor
    This was big because it is what forced japan to modernize.
  • US wins Spanish American War

    US wins Spanish American War
    This was important because the US beat Spain, a powerful country in Latin America.
  • Mexican Revolution begins

    Mexican Revolution begins
    This was an important event because it was the beginning of the reform.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    Another important even because it made an easy route through Latin America