Unit 4 Project

  • Henry Clay

    Henry Clay
    19th century U.S. politician who served in Congress and as secretary of state under President John Quincy Adams. Clay pushed for war causing conflict with England.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    a machine that revolutionized the production of cotton by greatly speeding up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber. The Cotton Gin made progress in the industrial revolution by using interchangeable parts.
  • The West

    The West
    The westward expansion or the Louisiana Purchase stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and from Canada to New Orleans, and it doubled the size of the United States. This was in the American Dream because it opened up the US and expanded it from Mississippi River to the Rocky River.
  • Period: to

    Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal connected the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean via the Hudson River. This is listed under Progress because it helped the US bring in more goods through transportation, this is also listed under expansion because it opened up traveling routes.
  • Sectionalism

    Loyalty to one's region, particularly, loyalty to the south, west, or north during the first half of the nineteenth century; tensions among the regions were one of the leading causes of the Civil War. This is under expansion because the westward expansion led to sectionalism.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    1820 congressional agreement that temporarily eased sectional tensions by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state wile forbidding further extension of slavery above 36*30'N latitude. This is listed under conflict because the states below and above the line did not have an option in being a slave state or a free state.
  • Agriculture

    Agriculture was a big part of the South's economy and helped farmers raise money and gave slaves a job to do. Agriculture is under expansion because Agriculture expanded throughout the states later throughout the years
  • Period: to

    Germans and Irish

    One-half of the population of Ireland emigrated to the United States. So did an equal number of Germans. Most of them came because of civil unrest, severe unemployment or almost inconceivable hardships at home. This is listed under American Dream because they came here to get jobs and have opinions in what they believe in.
  • Factory System

    Factory System
    a method of manufacturing using machinery and division of labor. This is listed under progress because the factory system helped bring more technology to the US.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    This is under progress because Lowell Mills brought the Factory System to the North. Lowell Mills provided jobs to women who needed to support their families.
  • Election of 1824/ "Corrupt Bargain"

    Election of 1824/ "Corrupt Bargain"
    Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams,and William Crawford ran in this election. The corrupt bargain was when Henry Clay would secure the presidency for John Adams, and in turn John Adams would make Clay the Secretary of State. This was conflict because Clay secured the spot for Adams causing Jackson to lose the presidency even though Jackson had the popular vote.
  • Lowell Girls

    Lowell Girls
    Were young women who worked in textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts, in the mid- nineteenth century. The women worked here to make money for their family.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    1830 act of congress passed at the urging of President Andrew Jackson, which overturned Indian territorial claims in the East and provided for resettlement of Native Americans west of the Mississippi River. This was conflict because Jackson was pushing the Indians out of their territory.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The act of declaring a law void; usually refers to the idea that states have the right to reject federal laws that the state deems unconstitutional. This is a conflict because South Carolina refused to follow the laws given.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The federal government forced the Indians to leave their homelands and walk thousands of miles to a specially designated “Indian territory” west of the Mississippi River.
  • Telegraph

    Developed by Samuel Morse, the telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication and sped up the communication process. This is under expansion because the telegraph helped take communication further than before.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Senator Henry Clay's proposal to settle a dispute over the status of slavery in new states; eight measures included the admissions of California as a free state, allowing the remaining territories acquired from Mexico to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery, the abolition of slave trading but not slavery itself in Washington DC and the passage of a stricter fugitive slave law. This is conflict because some states couldn't chose what they wanted to do.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
  • Immigration

    immigrants came to America seeking greater economic opportunity, while some, such as the Pilgrims in the early 1600s, arrived in search of religious freedom. This is listed under American Dream because it opened up a place for people to be free and have their own opinion.