Unit 3 Major Assessment

  • Tariff of 1789

    Tariff of 1789
    The Tariff of 1789 was signed by President Washington which was designed to raise revenues for the new Government by placing a Tariff of foreign goods
  • Declaration fo Neutrality

    Declaration fo Neutrality
    This was a anouncemnt issued by Washington declaring their neutrality between them and France
  • End of the Whiskey Rebellion

    End of the Whiskey Rebellion
    I dont know the exact date of Whiskey Rebellion but it started in 1791 and ended in 1794 when Pres. Washington sent 15,000 troops to supress the "rebellion."
  • Jays Treaty was signed

    Jays Treaty was signed
    Jays Treaty was a treaty by John Jay and signed between the US and Great Britiain which sought to settle some issues between the two.
  • Treaty of Greenville was signed

    Treaty of Greenville was signed
    The Treaty of Greenville was signed between the US and the the Indian Tribes and it followed the loss of the Native Americans at the battle of Fallen Timbers
  • Pinckney Treaty was signed

    Pinckney Treaty was signed
    The Pinckney Treaty was signed established intentions of friendship between Spain and the US
  • Alien and Sedition acts

    Alien and Sedition acts
    President Adam passed the 4 laws and was a result of the French Revolution
  • Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

    Kentucky and Virginia resolutions
    The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were political statements in 1798 in which Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position in which the Alien and Sedition acts were unconstitutional
  • The End of the Quasi war

    The End of the Quasi war
    The Quasi war was a war battled almost entirely at sea between the US and the French. The war was also was a undeclared war
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    This was an election between Vice President Thomas Jefferson and President John Adams which was also sometimes called the "Revolution of 1800".
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States purchased about 828,000,000 square miles of land from France.
  • The War of 1812 ended

    The War of 1812 ended
    The Treaty of Ghent was signed which finally ended the war between Great Britain and the US