Unit 3 Key terms

  • Indian Removal

    This was forced migration where Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River
  • Manifest Destiny

    The belief in the expansion of the U.S was justified and inevitable. With god gold glory
    Manifest Destiny first used in 1845
  • Suffrage

    The struggle of women to vote and have the same rights as men so the held a convention.
    This was the first national convention of the women's movement, held in Worcester, Massachusetts, by Lucy Stone and a group of prominent Eastern suffragists.
  • Nativism

    In the mid 19th century Nativist created political parties and tried to limit the rights of immigrants. The reason of this act was to limit the people that would be coming over because of the farm land and good in the factories
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie was the leader for the Steel industry
    Worked in cotton
    division superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1859
  • Social Gospel

    This is the event of the pastors begin to put salvation and good work into one thing. They said people should match the way Jesus lived.
  • Homestead Act

    This act allowed people to access land out in the great plains and claim ownership of the land
  • Urbanization & Industrialization

    There where increased in factories more small towns and neighbor hoods
  • Immigration

    There was a act that was set in place to limit the immigrations of people to the U.S and the first major one was Chinese Exclusion Act
  • Haymarket Riot

    This was a very peaceful rally for the 8 hour work day till some of the people where killed
    On a Tuesday of 1886 there was a bombing of the accrued at the labor demonstrations
  • The Dawes Act

    This act let the president of the U.S take a look at Native land and divide it to individual Indians
  • Jane Addams

    Was known as the mother of Social work
    Also co founded a settlement hull house on Chicago west side.
    She built her reputation as the country's most prominent woman through her writing, settlement work, and international efforts for peace.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    Nebraska congressman. He starred at the 1896 Democratic convention with his Cross of Gold speech that favored free silver, but was defeated in his bid to become U.S. president by William McKinley
  • Eugene V. Debbs

    One of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World the Wobblies or IWW
    Also was 5 times the candidate for the socialist party for president of the United States
    In 1893 Eugene V. Debs became president of the American Railway Union. His union conducted a successful strike for higher wages against the Great Northern Railway in 1894.
  • The Klondike Gold Rush

    This was a mass group of people of more than 100,000 prospectors to the Klondike region of the Yukon in north-western Canada between 1896 and 1899.
  • Upton Sinclair

    He wrote the Jungle.
    The jungle showed how poorly food was being packed.
  • Muckraker

    Muckraker was used in the Progressive Era to characterize reform-minded American journalists who attacked established institutions and leaders as corrupt. They typically had large audiences in some popular magazines.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    25th Vice president
    26th President
    Teddy brought great power and excitement. He also strongly lead congress to progressive reforms and a strong foreign policy
  • The Pure Food and Drug Act

    This was the first of a mass of significant consumer protection laws which was enacted by Congress in the 20th century and led to the creation of the Food and Drug Administration.
  • 16th Amendment

    The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states on the basis of population. It was passed by Congress in 1909 in response to the 1895 Supreme Court case of Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co.
  • 17th Amendment

    The Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution established the popular election of United States Senators by the people of the states. The amendment supersedes Article I, under which senators were elected by state legislatures.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    The Act was put into effect in response to a series of financial crises that occurred in 1907. The purpose of the act was to create a degree of financial stability. The act empowers the Fed to regulate and supervise banks and to develop and implement monetary policy
  • 18th Amendment

    The Eighteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution established the prohibition of "intoxicating liquors" in the United States. The amendment was proposed by Congress on December 18, 1917, and was ratified by the requisite number of states on January 16, 1919.
  • 19th Amendments

    The 19th amendment let people vote regardless of sex
  • Susan B. Anthony

    A Pioneer of Womens suffrage
    She also helped with getting the 20th amendment
  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    Edward Doheny wanted Fall to grant his firm a valuable oil lease in the Elk Hills naval oil reserve in California along with the Teapot Dome naval oil reserve in Wyoming which had previously been given to him so he gave him a 100,000 dollar loan interest free.