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Unit 12

  • New Territory is received

    New  Territory is received
    The US decided to fight SPain for control over Cuba. But the fight sudendly became a war to take all of Spain's overseas territorries including Philiphines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. After a long war peace was finally acheived with Spain and Cuba became independent and America received three territorries.
  • Roosevelt become president

    Roosevelt become president
    Roosevelt was unvoulntarily named vice president, by the "political bosses' who didn't appericiate his way of running things.
    Following the assenation of McKinely he was renamed president. His believed the Country should be moving foward in expandiing.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Roosevelt wanted to expand. He decided to begin the building of the Panama Canal, which would make it easier to travel from the ATlantic Ocean to the PAcifc OCean. ALthough Columbia did not approve of using the building the Canal Roosevelt stated that it would begin without their consent, applying his Big Stick Policy
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    An act was passed to prevent the manufactue and sale of poisened or not approved food, medicne, and liquor to be able to regulate the traffic and for other purposes
  • Triangle Shirtwaist fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist fire
    Dister in which 146 garment workers who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths.The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union,