Union timeline

  • Lowell mill women create first union of working women

    Lowell mill women create first union of working women
    Lowell mill women went on strike and created the first workers union for women. At this time women couldnt even vote.
  • 1835 Philadelphia general strike

    1835 Philadelphia general strike
    Irish workers on the Schuylkill River coal wharves went on strike for a ten hour day. After striking for hours they were joined by other workers such as leather dressers, printers, carpenters, bricklayers, masons, house painters, bakers, and city employees. They fought for more wadges and break time and thats what they got.
  • cigar Makers strike of 1877

    cigar Makers strike of 1877
    10 thousand workers walked out at the height of the strike, wanting better wages, shorter hours and better working conditions, especially in the tenement manufacturing locations. The strike was supported by the Cigar Makers International Union of America
  • Railway Strike

    Railway Strike
    A strike against the Baltimore & Ohio railroad causes a series of strikes across the east coast. The violence and disturbances causes Federal troops to be called out for the first time in a labor dispute. The strike ended but it shows the deep conflict between workers and business owners.
  • The battle of cripple creek

    The battle of cripple creek
    In 1884 gold was discovered in Crippled creek. 150 mines were started because of the gold along with the free coinage Union. The miners fought dramtic battles in cripple creek to fight for their rights.
  • Newboys strike of 1899

    Newboys strike of 1899
    The newsboys' strike of 1899 was a U.S. youth-led campaign to force. The strike lasted two weeks, causing Pulitzer's New York World to reduce its circulation from 300,000 to 120,000.The strike was successful in increasing the amount of money that newsboys received for their work.
  • McKees Rock Strike: Turning Point for Immigrant Workers

    McKees Rock Strike: Turning Point for Immigrant Workers
    The greatest labor movement strike ever, the Mckees Rock Strike where immagrants of all kinds were seperated to work at one huge Pressed Steal company. They rose up and fought for their workers rights and changed unionism.
  • Uprising of 20,000 and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Uprising of 20,000 and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    146 off 500 workers died, mostley young women died from jumping out of the 10 story factoy building. The workers jumped because the owners locked all fire exscape exits. The story inspired hundreds of activest to push for fundemental reforms.
  • Paterson, New Jersey, Textile Strike

    Paterson, New Jersey, Textile Strike
    1850 strikers were arested. They largely immigrant factory workers from southern and eastern Europe. The strikers finally got thier bosses to raise wadges for all workers.