
The History of Labor Relations in the United States!

By hmpace
  • Printers' Strike in Philadelphia

    Printers' Strike in Philadelphia
    Work stoppages in North America date back to colonial times. However, this was the first documented strike, and therefore marks the start of labor organizations in America.
  • Federal Society of Journeyman Cordwainers Formed

    Federal Society of Journeyman Cordwainers Formed
    The beginning of sustained trade union organizations for American workers. Following this, other craft unions would spring up, and publish 'prices' to protect workers from unfairly cheap products competing.
  • Philadelphia Journeymen Cordwainers Strike

    Philadelphia Journeymen Cordwainers Strike
    When the cordwainers in Philadelphia got together to earn higher wages, legal action was taken against them for 'conspiracy to raise wages,' a supposed common-law crime. This set the stage for a plethora of court cases for employers, and against labor unions.
  • The National Labor Union was formed!

    The National Labor Union was formed!
    Although it had limited success, this union was made to protest poor working conditions brought about by large-scale industry. It marked the start of labor unions in America.
  • Knights of Labor formed

    Knights of Labor formed
    After the collapse of the National Labor Union, massive amounts of workers joined this organization, which used its size to demand shorter work days, reject socialist ideas, and encouraged the cultural uplift of workers. By the late 1880s, nearly 20% of workers were part of it. Eventually, it lost control of its huge amount of members, and it too collapsed.
  • Henry Clay Frick

    Henry Clay Frick
    During the 1892 lockout and strike set a tough tone for labor-management relations during the Gilded Age
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    Carnegie opposed a union strike. He called upon the Government an dmany individuals lost their life after protests turned violent. This forever tarnished Carnegies reputation and set back labor unions out of fear.
  • The term Blue Collar is used

    The term Blue Collar is used
    In around the time of 1910-1920 poeple started being put inot social catergories based on the work they did. The blue collars were the lesser to the white collars and they largely did manual labor.
  • The term White Collar is used

    The term White Collar is used
    This general time was when the term White Collars was coined and people with jobs such as Lawyers and Bankers were put into this catergory. They were seen as superior to Blue Collars.
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    Strike from coal miners went violent when the Colorado National Gaurd retaliated to 1,200 miners, women, and children at thier camp. Over two dozen people were killed in this. The miners got revenge by destroying mines and property for several days. This was the deadliest strike in the history of the united states.
  • Samuel Gompers

    Samuel Gompers
    He played a bigger role in shaping the U.S. labor movement than any other individual. He was an English-born cigar maker who operated in the United States. He played an integral role in the formation of labor unions.
  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    Economic turmoil causes unemployment to rise dramatically, among other things. This rekindled labor movements, as workers desperately needed to band together. The New Deal changed the relationship between the government and the people, and would affect later labor movements.
  • Colorado Labor Peace Act

    Colorado Labor Peace Act
    Established standards of fair conduct in employement relations in order to protect the rights of the public. This also protected the employee and employer.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    Signed by president Franklin Rooesevelt, this enabled employees to have full rights as citizens as well as the employer. This improved the conditions of the workplace as a whole. No longer would laboerers have to go to work in conditions that was hazardous to one's health and safety.
  • Union Membership Growing

    Union Membership Growing
    Renamed Mountain States Employers Council, Inc. in 1945, MSEC had grown to over 250 members and had begun providing legal services beyond labor relations.
  • Taft-Hartley Passage and NLRB Structural Changes

    Taft-Hartley Passage and NLRB Structural Changes
    A complex bill in which would allow unions subject to the NLRB's unfair labor practice powers. The bill was passed in a 68 to 24 majority vote. Though the people wanted the president to veto the bill, they were ignored.

    He was one of the most effective labor organizers of the modern era.He formed NFWA
  • Health Care Amendments

    Health Care Amendments
    Was passed to extend coverage and protection of employees and non-profit hospitals. The purpose was to cover those who weren't included in the 1947 Taft-Hartley amendments. The new law allowed reconcolidation of competing interests.
  • George Meany

    George Meany
    He pushed labor in a conservative direction during his tenure, which lasted until 1979.
  • Mountain State Employers Council Expands in the 21st Century

    Mountain State Employers Council Expands in the 21st Century
    Began expanding in the year 2000. The MSEC had opened its regional office in Fort Collins in 2006. By 2009, Colorado opened its office in Scottdale, Arizona. Services are now provided to those in Arizona for the members of of the Arizona Employer Councel.
  • Labor relations in modern America

    Labor relations in modern America
    While labor relations are less in flux then when the Industrial revolution began, they are constantly changing even to this day whether its demand for higher minimum wage or more benefits, the nature of labor in this country is a fluid one.