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America in the Industrial Age

  • Laissez-faire

    A policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society.
  • Tammany Hall

    Tammany Hall
    Tammany Hall was a New York City political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789, as the Tammany Society.
  • Public High School Funded

    Public High School Funded
    The government passed the Factory Act making two hours of education a day compulsory for children working in factories. The government also granted money to charities to help schools for the first time.
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    The Seneca Falls Convention was the first woman's rights convention. It advertised itself as "a convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women ''.
  • Labor Unions Begin Forming

    Labor Unions Begin Forming
    Because of the working conditions in factories, mills, and mines. Labor groups joined together and created unions in order to fight for safer conditions, better hours, and increased wages.
  • W.E.B. Du Bois

    W.E.B. Du Bois
    W.E.B. Du Bois, American sociologist, historian, author, editor, and activist who was the most important Black protest leader in the United States.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    The Ghost Dance was a spiritual movement that arose among Western American Indians. It began among the Paiute in about 1869 with a series of visions of an elder, Wodziwob. These visions foresaw renewal of the Earth and help for the Paiute peoples as promised by their ancestors.
  • The First Transcontinental Railroad

    The First Transcontinental Railroad
    The First Transcontinental Railroad was a 1,912-mile continuous railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 that connected the existing eastern U.S. rail network at Council Bluffs, Iowa with the Pacific coast at the Oakland Long Wharf on San Francisco Bay.
  • Guilded age

    Guilded age
    The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern United States and the Western United States.
  • Darwimism

    the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The Temperance Movement was an organized effort to limit or outlaw the consumption and production of alcoholic beverages in the U.S.
  • Munn v. Illinois

    Munn v. Illinois
    Munn v. Illinois, was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the power of state governments to regulate private industries that affect "the common good.
  • The Grange

    The Grange
    The Grange, officially named The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, is a fraternal organization in the United States that encourages families to band together to promote the economic and political well-being of the community and agriculture.
  • Railroad Strike of 1877

    Railroad Strike of 1877
    The Strike began on July 14 in Martinsburg, West Virginia, after the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad cut wages for the third time in a year.
  • The Salvation Army

    The Salvation Army
    The Salvation Army was founded by William Booth. He established mission stations to feed and house the poor and in 1878 changed the name of his organization to the Salvation Army.
  • Knights of Labors

    Knights of Labors
    Several successful strikes during the mid 1880s led to the Knights of Labor's growth. As the strikes proved successful, more workers flocked to the union movement.
  • Tuskegee Institute

    Tuskegee Institute
    Tuskegee University, is a private, coeducational, historically black institution of higher education in Tuskegee, Alabama.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act was United States federal law signed by President Arthur prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers.
  • Civil Rights Cases of 1883

    Civil Rights Cases of 1883
    The civil rights cases of 1883 put 5 court cases into one single case where the court declared the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to be unconstitutional and increased racial tensions.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act provided for selection of some government employees by exams rather than ties to politicians, and made it illegal to fire or demote some government officials for political reasons.
  • The American Federation of Labor

    The American Federation of Labor
    A national Federation of labor unions in the US by an alliance of craft unions disaffected from the Knights of Labor.
  • Wabash v. Illinois

    Wabash v. Illinois
    This was a Supreme Court decision that severely limited the rights of states to control or impede interstate commerce.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    This occurred when a labor protest rally near Chicago's Hay market Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police. At least eight people died as a result on that day.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Passed in 1887 under President Grover Cleveland, this act allowed the federal government to break up tribal lands.
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    Cornelius Vanderbilt
    Cornelius Vanderbilt was an American business magnate who built his wealth in railroads and shipping.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 is a United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices. The Act required that railroad rates be "reasonable and just," but did not give the government power to fix the rates.
  • Eugene Debs founded IWW

    Eugene Debs founded IWW
    Debs led his union in a major ten-month strike against the CB&Q Railroad in 1888. Debs was instrumental in the founding of the American Railway Union, one of the nation's first industrial unions.
  • Gospel of Wealth

    Gospel of Wealth
    An article written by Andrew Carnegie that describes the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich.
  • Hull House

    Hull House
    Hull House was a settlement house in Chicago, that was co-founded in 1889 by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    The Sherman Antitrust Act was enacted to curtail combinations of power that interfere with trade and reduce economic competition. It outlaws both formal cartels and attempts to monopolize any part of commerce in the U.S.
  • Populist Party

    Populist Party
    The party was a left-wing agrarian populist late-19th-century political party in the United States.
  • Andrew Carnegie and Steel industry

    Andrew Carnegie and Steel industry
    Andrew Carnegie had a steel producing company where he and his associates ran the mills in Pittsburgh and made Carnegie one of richest men in history.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island officially opened as an immigration station on January 1, 1892.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    This was an industrial lockout and strike which lasted 6 days culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6, 1892. The battle was a pivotal event in U.S. labor history.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    A widespread railroad strike and boycott that severely disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest of the United States in June–July 1894.
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    She mobilized public opinion against lynching through her newspaper editorials, pamphlets, clubs, and lecture tours in the northern United States and Great Britain.
  • Mark Twain

    Mark Twain
    Mark Twain called the late 19th century the "Gilded Age." By this, he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath.
  • Williams Jennings Bryan-Cross of Gold Speech

    Williams Jennings Bryan-Cross of Gold Speech
    The Cross of Gold speech was delivered by William Jennings Bryan, a former United States Representative from Nebraska. In the address, Bryan supported bimetallism or "free silver", which he believed would bring the nation prosperity.
  • Joseph Pulitzer

    Joseph Pulitzer
    American newspaper editor and publisher who helped to establish the pattern of the modern newspaper. In his time he was one of the most powerful journalists in the United States.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

    The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
    The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan. This was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city, and one of the deadliest in U.S. history.
  • J.P Morgan

    J.P Morgan
    One of the most powerful bankers of his era, J.P. Morgan financed railroads and helped organize the U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major corporations.
  • John Muir

    John Muir
    Naturalist, writer and advocate of U.S. forest conservation, John Muir founded the Sierra Club and helped establish Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks.
  • The Second Industrial Revolution

    The Second Industrial Revolution
    The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, was a phase of rapid standardization and industrialization from the late 19th century into the early 20th century.
  • Tuskegee Normal

    Tuskegee Normal
    Tuskegee normal was the first black college to be designated as a registered National Historic Landmark.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    John D. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business trust.
  • Solid South

    Solid South
    The Solid South was the electoral voting bloc of the states of the Southern United States for issues that were regarded as particularly important to the interests of Democrats in those states.
  • William Hearst

    William Hearst
    William Randolph Hearst Sr was an American businessman, newspaper publisher, and politician known for developing the nation's largest newspaper chain .
  • Hawaii Becomes A State

    Hawaii Becomes A State
    Hawaii became the 50th state in August, 1959, following a referendum in Hawaii in which more than 93% of the voters approved the proposition that the territory should become a state.
  • civil Service Reform

    civil Service Reform
    The civil service reform Act of 1978 was intended to provide Federal Managers with the ability to improve government operations and productivity and also protect workers from harsh conditions.