Unification of germany

  • the revoulution of 1848

    IN march 1848 Berlin led King Fredrick William IV to a liberal consitituion and the king decided to transfer his court to postdam.
  • The revolution of 1848

    The prussia army took controle of Berlin the liberal constitution was suppressed by the king and he also dissolved the Frankfurt parliment.
  • The revolution if 1848

    In 1850 Austria and prussia restored the german Confederation
  • Unification began

    The domince of Austria was challenged by Prussia and the process of unification began.
  • Bismark appiontedd Chancellor

    King william 1 appointed Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck was famous because of a speech. In the his speech he said tat germany unity would not be achieved by debates and resolutions but for blood and iron.
  • pruusia war

    The prussia army was tested agisnts Denmark.
  • King Christan VII

    King Christan VII formally incorporated the duchies, they then broke the treaty of london.
  • Austris prussia war

    War broke out between austria and prusia about arguments of the administration of schleswig-Holstien
  • The franco prussi war

    The realaton ship between Prussia and France has worsend