
Unification of Germany

By RaeLay
  • German Confederation

    German The Congress of Vienna gave Prussia much important territory. This made Prussia stonger. - It helped them gain power so they could take leadership of the German states.
  • Tariffs

    TariffsThe king of Prussia abolished tariffs. - This led to the Zollverein.
  • The Zollverein

    Zollverein The Zollverein included most of the German states, except Austria. It benefited its members by making prices both lower and more uniform. - This was a positive effect. It made states economically dependent on one another.
  • Otto von Bismarck

    Otto von Bismarck
    William I appointed Bismarck to head the Russian cabinet. Bismarck built the Prussian army into a powerful war machine. - Bismarck had a positive effect on the unification of Germany. He led Germany into being unificated.
  • The Danish War

    The Danish War
    Denmark fought against Prussia and Austria and surrendered in 1864. Prussia gained Schleswig, and Austria gained Holstein. - This helped overcome the other states.
  • Seven Weeks War

    Seven Weeks War
    Seven Weeks War Russia confronted Austria and defeated them in seven weeks. - This is positive because Austria was the state that was refusing to join in on anything.
  • The Treaty of Prague

    Treaty of Prague This ended the Seven Weeks War. Austria approved the dissolution of the German Confederation and surrendered Holstein to Prussia. - This got rid of the competiton of Austria. They didn't have the power anymore.
  • North German Confederation

    North German Confederation Several north German states united with Prussia to form the North German Confederation. - This was a start of the German states starting to work together.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    Franco-Prussian War Bismarck decided that the way to unite the southern states with the rest of Germany was to provoke a war with France. - This united the southern states.
  • German Empire

    German Empire Representives of the allied German states met in the Hall of Mirrors of the palace of Versailles near Paris. They issued a proclamation declaring the formation of the German Empire, which included all German states except Austria. - The states were united.