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UK’s social class evolution

  • 1500

    Social class in Tudor times (1500-1603)

    Social class in Tudor times (1500-1603)
    The church:
    Clergymen. The King or Queen;
  • Period: 1500 to

    UK’s social class evolution

    Timeline designed to show the evolution of social classes in Great Britain.
  • Social clases in 17th century

    Social clases in 17th century
    Upper class
    The upper class consisted of the king, king’s advisors, nobles, and high church officials. The upper class had a very expensive and elegant life style.
    Middle Class
    The middle class was where the everyday worker would be. The type of workers in the middle class would have been merchants, manufactures, landowners, professionals, military officers etc.
    Lower Class
    The lower class people would be considered peasants and were very poor.
  • Social classes in 18th century

    Social classes in 18th century
    at the top of English society were the lord temporal and peers of the realm,
    hereditary rights
    mid classes
    made up of civil servants, lower ranking military, merchant, lawyers, farmers and shopkeepers
    lower classes
    working class included craftsmen of all sorts, fisherman and farmers
  • Social classes in 19th century

    Social classes in 19th century
    aristocrats or upper class:
    the royal family, spiritual lords, temporal lords, great officers of the state: baronets, knights country gentlemen.
    mid class:
    upper middle class: factory owners, large scale business man, bankers
    lower middle class: small scale business man, shopkeepers, merchants
    lower class:
    the working class: labor, factory workers, miners.
    the poor.
  • Social classes in 20th century

    Social classes in 20th century
    lower class
    the lower class or working class, was made up of workers who were employed in business owned by those higher in the hierarchy middle class
    the middle class were professionals , servants and senior civil servants.
    upper class
    In modern societies is the social class composed of the wealthiest members of society who also wield the greatest political power
  • Social classes in 21st century

    Social classes in 21st century
    The new classes are defined as:
    Established middle class
    Technical middle class
    New affluent workers
    Traditional working class
    Emergent service workers
    Precariat, or precarious proletariat