U.S. History Timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands

    Christopher Columbus Lands
    In 1492, Christopher Columbus planned to sail to West Asia to acquire goods. Instead, he accidentally sailed to South America and enslaved many Natives of the land he was at.
  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    In 1607, the English made Jamestown the first North American settlement. They immigrated to North America because the living conditions in England was too bad and they didn't want to be ruled by a king, so they settled in North America to start a new life.
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    Navigation Act of 1651
    There were many Navigation Acts throughout the 1600s, but this act was aimed towards the Dutch. The reason for this being was because the Dutch had trade relations with the colonies alongside England. The English made this act in order to state that all trade between England and the colonies needed to be transported on English or colonial vessels. This Navigation Act eventually lead to the Anglo-Dutch War.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    This war was also referred to as the Seven Years War due to the conflict between Britain and France which had lasted approximately 7 years. The spark to this war was the conflict between the French and British over the fact that the French were adopting territories as their own without Britain's consent. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This Proclamation was issued by King George III to end the French and Indian Seven Years War by separating land for each society including the French, Native Americans, and colonists. It did also cause the ban of any Westward expansion past the border lines of each territory.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British Government taxed all paper documents in 1765 for a profit. The reason for this being was simply the fact that they were in debt after the Seven Years War. In 1766, the Parliament repealed the act after the strained relations it was causing with the colonies.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    In 1770, many colonists protested the Townshend Acts when the British troops arrived in Boston. Heckling protesters lead the British soldiers to fire into the protesting crowd and cause 5 casualties.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    In Boston,colonists were upset with all the taxes Great Britain was putting on them.It then got worse with the Tea Act where Great Britain began to tax the tea that was sold to the colonists.The Sons of Liberty wanted to protest by disguising themselves as Native Americans to not only be hidden, but to also represent the way how the Europeans treated the Natives.The Sons of Liberty snuck into the port where the tea was being delivered and dumped the tea from the boat into the ocean as a protest.
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    The American Revolution

    This war started as a rebellion against the British rule in Great Britain. The patriotic colonists in America in 1775 demanded independence from Great Britain due to the mistreatment of the British government to the colonists in the U.S. The war ended in 1783 due to the Treaty of Paris being recognized and accepted by the British government to give the United States the independence it deserved.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Around the middle of July; five men including Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin were assigned the task of making the Declaration of Independence against Great Britain. Most of the document was written by Thomas Jefferson. On July 4, 1776, the Congress of the United States signed off and accepted the Declaration of Independence in Philledelphia.
  • U.S. Constitution

    U.S. Constitution
    After the American Revolution, the United States needed to place new laws and policies that the American society needed to follow. In order to do this, they created the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution was a set of amendments that were needed to be followed in order to live freely without being prosecuted in the U.S.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    To get more territory for the United States, current president Thomas Jefferson made a purchase of land. This purchase of land was French Territory known as Louisiana. The land purchased was a large portion of land in the middle of the United States. The price of this purchase was 68 million francs.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    During a time of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion, a pairing of men named Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were sent by Thomas Jefferson to discover the Western side of the U.S.
  • Compromise of 1820

    Compromise of 1820
    This Compromise was also known as the Compromise of 1820. The reason for this was because Missouri wanted to be admitted as a slave state, but they also let Maine be a free state.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    During 1828, there was a presidential election. There were two main candidates who were John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson won the election after securing the electoral vote.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Approximately a year after Andrew Jackson was elected president, he wanted to push Native Americans out of their land. The reason for this being so that the United States can have more territory. Many Natives were forced out violently.
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    The Mexican American War

    During the 1840s, the United States believed in its Manifest Destiny and the right to take over Mexico's territory. The reason for this being simply the fact of expanding Westward. Mexico didn't agree with the U.S.' methods and went to war with the U.S. on April 25, 1846 by attacking a group of U.S. soldiers in the disputed zone leading to about a dozen casualties. Eventually, the war ended on February 2, 1848 through a peace treaty between Mexico and the United States.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    This was a controversial court case. The court case was including Dred Scott and his family. The reason why this case was so controversial was because after being free in a free state, Dred Scott and his family wanted to go back to a slave state, but if they went back it would make their freedom revoked.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    This presidential election was the election where Abraham Lincoln had won. The popular candidates were Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. Abraham Lincoln defeated Douglas after winning the electoral vote with 120 votes.
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    Civil War

    The Civil War first started when the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in 1861. The reason for this was because there were many differences between the Confederates (South) and the Union (North) including slavery, trade, state rights, etc.