U.S. History

By Lragan1
  • 1300

    America before 1492

    America before 1492
    North and South America was very diverse during these time periods with groups like the Olmec, Aztec, and Inca. Michael Smith describes the Aztec as, “The Aztec dominion employed a policy of indirect rule, and imperial authorities supported local dynasties so long as they delivered their quarterly tribute payments on time” (Smith 76).
  • 1450

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    Was an unintentional two way trade of supplies and disease. Europeans brought cattle, plants, pigs and much more over to the New World. Sugar, ivory, and gold where among the most traded items.
  • 1565

    St. Augustine Florida

    St. Augustine Florida
    Seen as an extension to the Spanish Caribbean empire by Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513. Wasn't a successful settlement until 1565.
  • Pocahontas

    The first Anglo-Powhatan War (1604-1614). In 1613, settlers captured Pocahontas but ended up creating a union and peace between the tribe and settlers for some time.
  • King Charles II

    King Charles II
    During the restoration period of the Monarchy under Charles II in 1660 its very important because it establishes some of the states we see today like, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and the Carolinas.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Uprising of both white and black people. Believed VA government was impeding on their access to land and wealth. Nathanial Bacon lead a group to fight the Susquehannock Indians without government approval. Government and Charles II execute several leaders in the rebellion.
  • Sons/Daughters of Liberty

    Sons/Daughters of Liberty
    “The Sons focused their resentment on the Stamp Act passed by Parliament and signed by George III of England on March 22, 1765. The act was a British financial stratagem to pay down debts from the French and Indian War and to finance a standing colonial army” (Carson et al 276).
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    “The Battle of Saratoga proved to the world that the American Army was an effective fighting force capable of defeating the highly trained British forces in a major confrontation and forcing them to surrender” (Dotson 1).
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    After the Revolutionary War, the fragile colonies wanted to establish a government that would unify the colonies. But, each colony viewed itself differently, “Citizens viewed their respective states as sovereign republics and guarded prerogatives against other states” (Corbett et al).
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    Consisted of the first 10 amendments of the Constitution. Introduced by James Madison in 1788. Adopted by congress in 1791.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Thomas Jefferson purchased the territory for 15 million dollars from France. He lets Louis and Clark with Sacajawea explore the territory.
  • Addressing Slavery

    Addressing Slavery
    Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave from Maryland, and became an abolitionist. Had to flee the States in fear for his life after publishing his book.
  • Workers and Labor Movements

    Woman employed by the Boston Manufacturing Company went on strike for two days when their wages where cut. This became a movement for much more unfair workplaces.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Started at the bottom of the social class and climbed up to become President, but not without a controversial path. From his treatment of his slaves and Indians to his risky decisions as a military leader. Yoo sums up Andrew Jackson as such, “While Andrew Jackson laid the foundations for what we can begin to recognize as the modern presidency, he would have been out of place in the modern world” ( Yoo 521).
  • Texas War for Independence

    Mexico sends what they think is loyal people of the state to adventure north. They are given benefits such as lower taxes, and they can bring enslaved people. But, they want to be Independent in 1824. War ends in 1845 and immediately looks for annexation to U.S.
  • Mexican American War (1846-1848)

    Mexican American War (1846-1848)
    President Polk believed in the U.S. to reach the Pacific Ocean, coining the term "Manifest Destiny". A promise to the mexicans to treat them as U.S. citizens effective immediately but is proven not to be true
  • Early Industrialization

    Early Industrialization
    The beginning of wanting items rather than needing them such as, oil lamps, parlor stoves, iron cookstoves, and carpet. Change in everyday work for men and women.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Kansas during an election for slave or non slave state is on the line. Pro slavery groups commit voter fraud to win the election. President Buchanan recognizes the election as fair which only makes more issues than resolving them. John Brown's raid fails but his point is made and is seen as a martyr (1859).
  • Cash Crop (Cotton)

    Cash Crop (Cotton)
    Cotton was such a valuable crop that Southern farmers focused on the money to be made over their own opportunity to utilize the crop. With the invention of the Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney, more stress was applied to slaves to produce more cotton.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Union is trying to restore the states and not just win a war through killing/death. Lincoln continues to try to make deals until it's pointless. Once war breaks out the Union gets the backing of European nations because they no longer relied on the southern cotton.