U.S History 1877-2008

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    Early American History

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    Civil War/Reconstruction

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    The Gilded Age

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    The Progressive Era

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    World War I

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    Roaring Twenties

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    Great Depression

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    World War II

  • United Nations Formed

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    Early Cold War

  • Truman Docterine

    This was a U.S policy that gave foreign countries military and economic aid if they were threatened by Communism. This act was a result of the United States' policy of the containment of Communism
  • 22nd Amendment

    The 22nd amendment limits the number of terms a person is eligible for election to two terms. This amendment also sets eligibility conditions on those who take the place of the unexpired terms of their predecessors.
  • Berlin Airlift

  • Marshal Plan

    This was an economic act which was created to give financial aid to the European countries affected by World War II in order to help them rebuild themselves.
  • NATO is Established

  • Korean War (ended 1953)

  • Sweatt v. Painter

    This was a court case which ruled that the separated law at UT (the head figure of UT was against integrated race education) violated the separate but equal policy. The alternative school, "Law School for Negros", would have been grossly unequal.
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    Civil Rights Era

  • Rosenburg Trials

  • First H-Bomb detonated by the United States

  • Hernandez v. Texas

    This court case granted Mexican Americans, as well as all other races, equal protection under the 14th amendment. This greatly impacted the diversity of the jury of peers in court.
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    Vietnam War

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    This court case overturned the previous Plessy v. Ferguson and unanimously ruled that discrimination in education on the basis of race unconstitutional.
  • Jonas Salk invents the Polio Vaccine

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott after Rosa Parks' Arrest

  • USSR launches Sputnik

  • Little Rock Nine integrated into an all-white school in Little Rock, AK

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba

  • Berlin Wall built to prevent people from leaving communist East Berlin

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech" at the March on Washington

  • John F. Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas, TX

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act made discrimination based on race, religion, or ethnicity, in public places illegal. It also required employs to be hired on an equal opportunities mindset.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed by Congress in hopes of diminishing the potential aggression faced by the US in the Vietnam War. It allowed president Johnson to take absolutely any measures he thought necessary to retaliate against the Viet-Cong in order to conserve the peace and security. In January of 1971, the act was repealed as popular opinion grew against the involvement of US troops in Vietnam.
  • 24th Amendment

    The 24th Amendment prohibited the states and Congress from limiting the right on citizens to vote in federal elections by poll taxes or any other form of taxes.
  • Medicare and Medicaid Established

  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This bill eliminated the literacy test for voters. The literacy test was implemented to prevent black Americans from voting; however, the passing of this act was a step forward in equality for black Americans
  • Tet Offensive

  • Martin Luther King is Assasinated

  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    This act eliminated discrimination in the sale or rental of housing. People could no longer be denied shelter based on race, ethnicity, or religion.
  • First Man on the Moon

  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    During the Vietnam War, America became divided into people supporting the war effort and people advocating for peace. Students in Des Moines decided to wear black armbands to display their supported truce with Vietnam. Officials at the school however, said that wearing the armbands would result in suspension- and it did. The students sued he school for violating their first amendment freedom of speech constitutional rights, and the Supreme Court ruled in the students' favor.
  • Kent State University Shooting

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    End of the Cold War

  • Pentagon Papers Leaked

  • 26th Amendment

    The 26th amendment lowered the legal voting age from the age of 21 to the age of 18. This was done to give the young men being drafted for the Vietnam war a voice in politics. This amendment also empowered more young people than ever before to help shape the country.
  • Title IX

    Title IX protects men and women from facing gender discrimination in education. This also required equal spots of enrollment for men and women.
  • War Powers Act

    The War Powers Act was a direct result of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This was a federal act meant to check the power of the president in armed conflict. The act limited the number of troop in a foreign country and required the president to gain consent of Congress before committing to armed conflict. Overall, the act was meant to address concerns which arose during the Vietnam War regarding the president in armed conflict.
  • Watergate Sandal: Leads to Nixon's Resignation

  • The Fall of Saigon (this marks the end of the Vietnam War)

  • The Camp David Accords

  • Iran Hostage Crisis (started in 1979 but ended in '81)

  • Three Missile Island Disaster

  • Iran Contra Affair (began in 1985 but ended in '87)

  • Persian Gulf War (Operation: Desert Storm)

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    1990s-21st Century

    Barak Obama: Was the 44th US President and the first African American President ever elected
    al-Qaeda: A Middle-Eastern terrorist group responsible for the attacks on 9/11
    No Child Left Behind: An reauthorization act where Congress required elementary and secondary schools to test students on reading and math
    President Clinton's Impeachment: Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives for high crimes and misdemeanors
    Election of 2000: One of the closest elections in history. Bush won
  • Fall of the USSR: official end of the cold War

  • NAFTA Created Free Trade between the US, Mexico, and Canada

  • The Attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon

  • The USA Patriot Act

    Following the 9/11 attacks, this act tightened US security. It allows the investigation of tools organized for crimes such as drug trafficing in addition to tools used for terrorism.
  • Hurricane Katrina