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U.S. Foreign Policy

  • 1914 BCE

    world war 1

    world war 1
    was between the European countries and the United States. was started because one of the Serbian men from a nationalists group came and assassinated the archduke and his wife and so then austria - Hungary then declared war on Serbia which made Russia declare war on Austria - Hungary and then Germany came in and declared war on Russia and France which made Great Britain declare war on Germany.
  • 1898 BCE

    Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    was between the united states and Spain. the united states declared war on Spain for not following the Spanish rule and because of the bombing of u.s.s Maine. in the end, Spain had no control over Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the philippine islands
  • 1898 BCE

    Annexation of hawaii

    Annexation of hawaii
    was between the US and Hawaii. where we were doing business in Hawaii and decided it would be easier for our business to grow if Hawaii became part of the US. but Hawaii refused and didn't want to so what we did was we forcefully took Hawaii and made it a part of our country without listening to what they wanted. this foreign policy is reassessing the meaning of America's core values.
  • 1881 BCE

    the panama canal

    the panama canal
    between the united states and the British. the canal allows shippers to transport cargo from one place to another. the Panama canal was very dangerous to build though because many people were killed or severely injured in the process of making it. they had over 40,000 people working on it. 5,609 people were killed while building this.
  • 1861 BCE

    The Trent Affair

    The Trent Affair
    Was between the U.S. and Britain. The U.S Navy Charles sent some of his crewmen to arrest James and John and then they put them in jail and then Britain said that the U.S was violating national rights and we couldn't go into war at the time because we were already in a war at the time. the foreign policy for this is a Clear sense of limitations
  • 1846 BCE

    Mexican American war

    Mexican American war
    It was between Mexico and the U.S. Because the united states were sending people to live in Mexico and those people who were sent to go live in Mexico they took Mexico's land away from them. The united states offered to buy lots of land from Mexico. Mexico didn't want to do it so they declared war on the united states. President Polk then led the Mexican American war and took Mexicos land. the foreign policy for this is exclusively expansionist
  • 1823 BCE

    Monroe Doctorine

    Monroe Doctorine
    The Monroe doctrine was between the U.S. and the European countries (Spain and the British). Britain wanted us to close the western hemisphere because they thought that the price of goods was much better than when Spain was in charge. The united states wanted to be in charge of the western hemisphere. the foreign policy of the Monroe Doctrine is a Growing sense of U.S. potential
  • 1812 BCE

    The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    It was between the united states and Britain plus Native Americans. The British wanted Native Americans to stop the united state's goal to expand and so the united states declared war against the British The united states was overly confident because they beat the British one time during the war of independence. The foreign policy for this is reckless foreign policy