Turning point timeline

  • French and Indian war 1754-1763

    French and Indian war 1754-1763
    The war was between the colonist and the Indians The colonist wanted to expand more land. In this war the French helped the Indians hoping to get more land out of this war as well.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 was to stop the colonists from expanding west after the French and Indian war. The king didn’t want any more problems between the Indians and the colonist.
  • Sugar Act 1764

    Sugar Act 1764
    The sugar act in 1764 was a tax put on sugar to the colonies for the war debt. The colonist was mad because this limits how much sugar they would want or need.
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    The stamp was a tax put on all paper products. The king forced the colonists to pat taxes so they can pay for the war debt of the French and Indian war.
  • Boston Massacre 1770

    Boston Massacre 1770
    The Boston massacre was a response to the quartering act. This happened on March 5th. This happened because a mob of angry colonists shouted insults to soldiers and the soldiers open fire on them killing five people and wounding several others.
  • Tea Act 1773

    Tea Act 1773
    The tea act of 1773 was an act put on tea on American colonies to pay off the war debt. The colonist did not like that they could not purchase tea from British-owned company’s.
  • The Boston tea party 1773

    The Boston tea party 1773
    The Boston tea party was a response to the tea act of 1773. This happened on December 16, 1773. The colonist destroyed the king’s tea by dressing up as the mohawk Indians and dumping 342 chests of tea into the harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts 1774

    Intolerable Acts 1774
    The intolerable act of 1774 was a law passed down to the colonist. The laws were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in the Tea Party protest in reaction to changes in taxation by the British Government.
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord 1775

    Battles of Lexington & Concord  1775
    Battles of Lexington & Concord was the first battle of the revolutionary war. This battle was also named the “shot heard around the world”. This was the start of the American revolution.
  • Olive Branch Petition 1775

    Olive Branch Petition 1775
    The 13 colonies and Great Britain didn’t want to go to with each other anymore. So the Olive Branch Petition was sent to the king as a last attempt to stop formal war from happening. Olive Branch Petition was written by John Dickinson, which was sent to King George III and expresses hope for reconciliation between the colonies and Great Britain.