
American Revolution

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    The French-Indian war was a battle between the French and the British for territory and wealth. It was known as one of the most bloody wars of the American revolution. The war lasted 7 years(1756-1763), and that demonstrated the great rivalry between the British and the French. The result of the battle was that French forces went out, and they lost every political/ cultural sense. The victor was the British who gained massive amount of terrotires and countless amount of wealth.
  • Treaty of Paris(1763)

    Treaty of Paris(1763)
    The treaty of Paris was a document signed for the reason of oficially ending the French and Indian war. It basically declared peace between Spain, France and Great Britain. A small detail about this treaty was that it did not involve Prusia, or Austria since the nations signed the Treaty of Hubertusburg. Also this treaty tells us that the British took control of the west side of the 13 colonies. The French in the other hand were no longer going to support North America.
  • Pontiac's War

    Pontiac's War
    To start off Pontiac was the leader of the Ottawa and this is why it's given the name. This war began in 1763 when Native Americans startled the British. The results of this war cost 8 forts and countless of colonist's lives. In the end, this war was a huge loss for the Native Americans since they couldn't repel the british forces.
  • The proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 we can say it was a total stabilization project from part of the british. The British needed a way to calm down the Native Americans. This proclamation was used as an ensurance for the British culture to be implied in Quebec. Also it played a huge role in the First Nations of Canada.
  • Impositions of George Greenvill

    Impositions of George Greenvill
    We can say that the George Greenville's impositions was just another "fund raiser" to help cover the war's cost. This impositions consisted of numerous acts that played the role of taxing all of the colonist. Of course, nobody likes taxes and neithir did the colonist, this caused a spark on the colonist rebelion to the British. In the end, the colonist just struggled through this invasion of taxes.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The acts took time on 1767 by part of Britain. Charles Townshend was the inspiration behind the act's name. The act consisted of being another fund raiser in order to achive independence. They thought that paying the judges and oficials through taxes would help them achive the independence. The act ended to be a failure since it gave a lot of resistance and ended up causing the Boston masacre.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The event took time at March 5, 1770 and took place on Boston. The incident consited on that some British soldiers killed about 5 civilians and injured six others. The cause of this was that the British were being "harrased" by the civilians and for "self-defense" they fired at the crowed without given orders. This caused 2 more deaths and a huge tension over the British army.
  • Intorable Acts

    Intorable Acts
    Chaos, the intorable acts just caused chaos all over the 13 colonies. The intorable acts was a way to stop the rebelion on Boston. This just caused Boston to get more angry with the British and cause more tension. This also caused the motive to make a First Continental Congress to start making desicions. This basically was just another reason for the American independence.
  • Battle of Princeton and Trenton

    Battle of Princeton and Trenton
    This was a victorty for the colonist agasint the British forces. The commandar at that war was George Washington. Although British put up a strong fight agaisnt the colonist it wasn't enough to hold out the militias from Mercer and Washington. As for Trenton Washington managed to kill a large amount of mercenarias(Hessians) and capture the city.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was the incident in which the British got really pissed off with Boston. What happened was that Boston took a British Tea cargo-ship and basically destroyed a large amount of tea shipment. This costed a lot of money for the British and made British see that they needed to do something about the Boston rebelion. The whole incident took place on the Boston Harbor which clearly made it clear which ports British had to punish, and so they did. The British response was an act.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The happened early in the revolution and it was from part of ther 13 colonies. Since the British were launching all these acts to the 13 colonies, the 13 colonies needed something to make clear desicions. The First continential congress was the answer to that problem. This Congress was the source of many desicions like the British boycott, and many more.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The was known as one of the first battles of the revolutionary war. This battle took place near Boston at the Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay.This war was just an image for people to see the conflict between the 13 colonies and Great Britain. Of course the edge was given to the British troops.
  • Olive Branch petition

    Olive Branch petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was took form of the Continental Congress like about July 1775 in a strong attempt to avoid a war with Great Britain. The petition affirmed American loyalty to Great Britain and made the king to prevent further problems. For about August 1775 the colonies were formally declared to rebellion by the Proclamation of Rebellion, and the petition was denied, although not having been received by the king before declaring the colonists traitors.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Again, this was from part of the 13 colonies and took time right after the revolutionary warfare. This was an improvement from last Continental Congress and far abtter step towards the independence. The Congress consistet in giving out stratergies, giving out diplomats, and raising armies. We can say this was a step in the right direction for the 13 colonies.
  • Battle of Bunkerhill

    Battle of Bunkerhill
    This war was around july 1775, on the Breed's hills. The coloniest were lead by William Prescott who sneaked to the Bunkerhill and the Breed's hill making a strong fortification. Unfortunately this didn't hold off the British very well, and the colonist lost some few troops. Although, the colonist lost they did what they wanted to do, and that was weaken the British forces.
  • Independence Declaration

    Independence Declaration
    The declaration of independence finally happened on july 4, 1776. During the whole event John Adams was persuing the committe so that Thomas Jefferson could write the documentation. This was a huge step since the colonies would know be a whole nation and not be part of the British Empire that was oppresing them with their acts.
  • Battle of Princeton and Trenton

    Battle of Princeton and Trenton
    This war basically was a victory for the colonist from part of George Washington. This war was important because as people saw the victory for the colonist people were pumped up to join the army and fight for their country. This raised a large amount of forces willing to fight for their lands and a lot of momentum was received for the colonist.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    In this war we can see an appearance of Spain helping the American side, which was very helpful for the colonist. Also France was helping on another side just for revenge on the British. This won the colonist a small tactical victory over the British. In this war we can see that it's becoming an end for the british in the American war of independence which was very important for the colonist.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    This battle was just a display of France anger towards the British. One of the major reasons France helped the Colonist was for pure revenge. With all the powers united it was obvious that the victors were going to be the Americans and French. The British can tell that the colonist are willing to give a fight, which gives a the British something to think about.
  • Treaty of Paris(1783)

    Treaty of Paris(1783)
    This basically puts and end on the war between Great Britain and America. France, Spain and all other make some separate treatys to sort things out. This treaty made America a very stable nation and has stayed that way up to today. The representatives for clearing out this treaty and the negotiations were: Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John Adams.