

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    It was a war between Britian and France in which indians fought on both sides. The British wanted to control more of Frances land in the New World. After the colonist thought of moving west.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris gave Britian all land left of the Mississipi River and Canada and all east to Spain. Britian wanted to take the French's territory. The colonist then decided to move west to Ohio to farm in fertile land.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    It was a law that forbidden colonist to settle west of the Appalachian Mountians. Britian did this to keep peace with the natives and not pay for protection. The colonist were angered at the presence of British soldiers and being told what to do.
  • Sugar Act

    The sugar act put taxes on all items that contian sugar or molasses. Britian imposed this act to help pay for the war. The colonist didn't like the idea of tax.
  • Stamp Act

    It was a tax but not a regular one, practicly every paper you used required a stamp saying you paid taxes for it. Britian did this to pay for the war. The colonist set up a boycott which later lead to repeal this act.
  • Writs of Assistance

    This gave costums officers the right to search ships when they pleased. this allowed unlawful acts such as stealing to occur on the ships. Merchants felt invaded upon when the officers seached their ships.
  • Townshend Act

    This act put tax on household items such as candles, glass, silk, and paper. This was another act to help pay off the expensive war.The colonist set up a boycott and the act aventually got repealed
  • Quartering Act

    This act made colonist house the British soldiers. Britian imposed this law to keep soldiers in the colonies. The colonist hated this act but could not do anything about it.
  • Boston Massacre

    On this day a roit mob confronted a group of british soldiers. The British reacted and fired and killed five colonist. That day Sam Adams called it a "massacre."
  • Tea Act.

    Tea merchants in the colonies were cut out of tea trade. Britian did this to control all of tea trade. The colonist reacted with The Boston Tea Party
  • Boston Tea Party

    On this day the Sons of Liberty dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor. Parliment then passed the Intolerable Acts
  • Intolerable Acts

    This made it so colonist could not have town meetings. Britian made this to prevent any rebellions the colonist had in mind. Because of this the colonist began to unify.
  • First Continental Congress Meets

    The First Continental Congress met in Carpenters Hall in Philidalphia. Every colony except for Georgia sent delegates. They decided to band all trade from Britain until all acts were repealed. At the=is point they start to train troops.
  • Lexington

    700 British soldiers were met by 70 colonial minutemen. Though it isn't sure who fired it, " The shot herd around the world" was at lexington. This was the first battle of the revolution.
  • Concord

    After the battle at Lexington British soldiers marched up to Concord to destroy military supplies. Britain was faced by 4,000 militiamen on the bridge to Concord.
  • Ft. Ticonderoga

    The colonist attacked Britain in New York. They Captured Ft. Ticonderoga and Britain's Artillery.
  • Second Continental Congress Meets

    They met in Philidalphia. It included John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, George Washington, and Patrick Henery. They made a final decision to create the Continental Army with George Washington as the general.
  • Bunker Hill

    Britain attacked at bunker hill. Colonial militiamen were ordered " Don't fire until you see the white of their eyes." Britain lost 1400 men but still won this battle.
  • Comon Sense

    Englishmen Thomas Pain publish the famous panflit Common Sense. This got people in favor for the American Revolution. It stated that it was wrong for us to be govern by a small island across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Thomas Jefferson was assigned to write the decleration of independence. Two weeks later on July 4th he presented it to the Continental Congress. It include John Locke's philosophy of unalienable rights.
  • Battle of New York

    Britain wanted to capture New York because it was the center of colonial trade. They attacked Washington and caused many injuries and deaths. Washington avoided capture and fled to Pennsylvania. Britain occupied New York for the rest of the war.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Washington set a suprise attack on Britain. Without losing a single man hee captured 800 Hessian soldiers.
  • Battle of Prineton

    After the last victor.y Washington moved on to Prineton New Jersey. He captured 300 British soldiers without losing a man.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    British General Burgoyne was planning to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies. The colonist cad a counter attack. General Heratio Gates surrounded Burgoynes army and the latter surrendered. After the battle France join through the treaty of alliance and later got Spain to join.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Colonisst spend the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge. the conditions were brutal, men were in desprete need of clothing and food.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    British general Cornwallis sent his troops to Virginia, 16000 of Washingtons men were ready to counter attack. Cornwallis attempted to escape by boat but was surrounded by French battle ships.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Britain surrendered the wasr and all of their land except for Canada and Florida was given to the colonist. Britain recognized the United States of America as an independnt country, Any property taken from loyalist was returned.