Trojan war

Trojan War -Nancy Castaneda

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Jan 1st wedding of king Pelius and Thetis

    Jan 1st wedding of king Pelius and Thetis
    In the day of his wedding the goddess of discord Eris, was not invited as an result she gave the apple of discord and said "For the Fairest".
  • Jan 2, 1000

    judgment of pairs

    judgment of pairs
    The prince of troy had to choose the fairest god, and he choose the Aphrodite because he promised him the most beautiful women in the world
  • Jan 3, 1000

    pairs goes to visit king menelaus of sparta

    pairs goes to visit king menelaus of sparta
    King Menelaus wife was so beautiful
  • Jan 4, 1000

    pairs steals Helen

    pairs steals Helen
    While king Menelaus goes to Crete , pairs steals his wife Helen and brings her back to Troy
  • Jan 5, 1000

    Menelaus find that Helen is gone

    Menelaus find that Helen is gone
    when King Menelaus finds out that Helen was gone he sends his army to Troy to bring back Helen
  • Jan 6, 1000

    Odyessus and Achilles aviod the army

    Odyessus and Achilles aviod the army
    Odyessus was acting he was insane to avoid the army, and Achilles dressed up as a women to avoid the army but he got caught and he had no other choice to join the army
  • Jan 7, 1000

    trojan war begins

    trojan war begins
    The war began after the abduction of queen Helen of Sparta by the prince pairs of Trojan
  • Jan 8, 1000

    Fight over Chryseis

    Fight over Chryseis
    Chryseis was taken away from her father and took her to the Greek Agamemnon
  • Jan 9, 1000

    Chryseis's father prays to Apollo

    Chryseis's father prays to Apollo
    chrysesi's father prays to Apollo to attack the Greeks for chryseis's father Achilles tells Agamemnon to give her back
  • Jan 10, 1000

    Achilles Leaves and Greeks

    Achilles Leaves and Greeks
    He lives after Agamemnon stole his women