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Trojan War by Alexandra Lim

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis
    Eris, the Goddess of Discord, as the only god not invited to the wedding. She got mad and annoyed at this so she threw the "apple of discord" which had "for the fairest" inscribed on it to the wedding. Aphrodite, Athena and Hera all wanted the apple and the "power" it had but Zeus didn't want to choose so he threw it to Earth.
  • Jan 2, 1000

    Judgement of Paris

    Judgement of Paris
    Paris found the "apple of discord" and picked it up. As he said the words inscribed on the apple the Goddesses Aphrodite, Athena and Hera appeared. The 3 Goddesses made Paris choose who was the fairest or most beautiful. Paris chose Aphrodite since she promised him the most beautiful girl, Helen.
  • Jan 3, 1000

    Paris Steals Helen

    Paris Steals Helen
    Paris visits King Menelaus of Sparta. While King Menelaus is in Crete, Paris abducts Helen and brings her to Troy. When King Menelaus realizes Helen is gone, he asks Paris to bring her back but Paris refuses. The Trojan War started because of Helen.
  • Jan 4, 1000

    Menelaus Uses Oath of Tyndareus

    Menelaus Uses Oath of Tyndareus
    Helen had a lot of admirers and suitors before she was married to Menelaus. Tyndareus, her father, was afraid to offend her suitors so the Oath of Tyndareus was made. All of the suitors of Helen would fight in battle for the husband if ever it was needed. After Helen was kidnapped by Paris, Menelaus used the Oath of Tyndareus. He got armies to fight for him in order to get Helen back.
  • Jan 5, 1000

    Sacrificing Iphigenia

    Sacrificing Iphigenia
    Agamemnon, the brother of Menelaus, had formed the armies to sail to Troy but they had to wait for winds that didn't come. He found out the Artemis had caused it. In order to appease Artemis he had to sacrifice Iphigenia, his daughter. He killed his daughter to appease Artemis which resulted in the winds coming and the Achaeans ventured to Troy.
  • Jan 6, 1000

    Agamemnon Steals Chryseis

    Agamemnon Steals Chryseis
    10 years into the war, Agamemnon steals Chryseis. She is the daughter of a priest of Apollo. Her father prayed to Apollo to make the Greeks suffer. Soon enough, Apollo sent down plagues to the Greek army. Agamemnon still refused to give back the girl until Achilles starts to get mad. Agamemnon agrees to return Chryseis but only if Achilles gives him Briseis, his chosen girl.
  • Jan 7, 1000

    Achilles Prays to His Mother

    Achilles Prays to His Mother
    After giving up Briseis, Achilles refused to fight. He pray to his mother, Thetis, to help the Trojans win the war.
  • Jan 8, 1000

    Zeus Interferes

    Zeus Interferes
    Zeus whispers a dream to Agamemnon that he should attack now so he could win. Zeus also whispers the same dream to Hector.
  • Jan 9, 1000

    Menelaus vs. Paris

    Menelaus vs. Paris
    Menelaus challenges Paris to a fight. Paris loses since he isn't good at all but Aphrodite saves him and pulls him away from Menelaus before he got killed.
  • Jan 10, 1000

    Diomedes Sees The Gods

    Diomedes Sees The Gods
    Athena gives Diomedes a gift. He will be able to see who is a god in the battlefield. He was already killing so much people and this only helped him. He sees Aphrodite help a soldier so he throws his spear through her wrist. Apollo comes down to catch the soldier Aphrodite let go of. Diomedes tries to hurt Apollo but didn't succeed. Aries comes down and Athena whispers to Diomedes that he should stab Aries and he did just that.
  • Jan 11, 1000

    Hector Fights Greater Ajax

    Hector Fights Greater Ajax
    The gods and goddesses chose who would fight Hector. Once they picked, Hector and Greater Ajax fought until they called it a tie.
  • Jan 12, 1000

    Talk to Achilles

    Talk to Achilles
    Ajas and Odysseus are sent to talk to Achilles. They need to persuade him to fight so that they could start winning again.
  • Jan 13, 1000

    Patroclus Fights as Achilles

    Patroclus Fights as Achilles
    Patroclus uses Achilles armor to fight and lead the army. He pretended to be Achilles. During all the fighting, Patroclus was killed by Hector. Hector then proceeds to wear Achilles' armor.
  • Jan 14, 1000

    Hephaestus Creates Achilles' New Armor

    Hephaestus Creates Achilles' New Armor
    Achilles decides to fight and avenge Patroclus. He lets Hephaestus create his armor.
  • Jan 15, 1000

    Achilles Kills Hector

    Achilles Kills Hector
    After chasing Hector around, Achilles finally kills him. He ties Hector's body to his chariot and parades him around Troy.
  • Jan 16, 1000

    Achilles Dies

    Achilles Dies
    Paris shot Achilles' heel which ended up killing up.
  • Jan 17, 1000

    The Trojan Horse

    The Trojan Horse
    Odysseus comes up with a plan to build a giant wooden horse. The army would hide in it. The Trojans would think of it as a peace offering.
  • Jan 18, 1000

    Greeks Attack

    Greeks Attack
    Once the Trojans believed the wooden horse was a peace offering, they gladly moved it inside not knowing they just let in an army. Once everyone was asleep, the Greeks came out and fought. They destroyed Troy and finally the Trojan War ended.