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The Trojan War by Jafet Chavez

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    1000 bce Queen Helen is abducted

    1000 bce Queen Helen is abducted
    The beginning of the Trojan War was due to the elopement of Queen Helen and the Prince Paris of Troy. After she was abducted King Menelaus sent out his army to go retrieve her which ultimately resulted in the Trojan War as previously stated.
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    The Judgement of Paris

    The Judgement of Paris
    The Trojan War began because of the judgement of Paris who was chosen to settle a dispute between three of the most beautiful goddesses of Olympus which were Athena, Aphrodite and Hera. After Aphrodite had bribed Paris into choosing her as the fairest she had promised that she would gift him Helen the most beautiful women on earth to be his. After he had chosen Aphrodite he went to Sparta to abduct the Queen which was Helen.
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    The wedding of Peleus and Thetis

    The wedding of Peleus and Thetis
    Every god is invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis except for the goddess of discord Eris. As revenge Eris stops by the wedding even without an invitation and drops of a golden apple with the inscription "To the fairest" which sparks the argument of who is the fairest between Athena, Aphrodite and Hera. Zeus doesn't choose between the three of them so they go to the prince of Troy to give them an answer which begin sets of a chain of events which ultimately end in the Trojan War.
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    Zeus' Plan

    Zeus' Plan
    Because Zeus was king of gods he felt that he was able to unfaithful to his wife Hera and because of this many children that were not Hera's spawned into the world so in order to get rid of some of them he planned out a war to depopulate the earth which he thought had too many people living in it.
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    The Arrival

    Calchas prophesied that the first Greek to walk on land after leaving the ship would be the first one to die in this war, but luckily Odysseus was able to trick Protesilaus into throwing his own shield on the Trojan soil and to step on top of his shield which was basically a loop hole around the prophecy which ended up not getting any of the Greek army killed.
  • Period: 1000 to 1010

    Trojan War

    The Trojan War is one of the world greatest history mysteries because it is still unknown if it is just myth or if it actually happened. The war lasted 10 years between the years of 1000 bce and 1010 bce but since we're not sure that it actually occurred many of these dates could possibly be wrong.
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    The death of Achilles

    The death of Achilles
    Achilles was a near immortal hero who was fighting for the Greeks, he had led an endless amount of battles in Troy and was seemed to be indestructible but Paris had discovered his weakness which was his heel and a year before the war would have ended Paris managed to shoot him with an arrow in the heel killing the near immortal hero.
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    After Achilles was shot and killed they took of his armor and decided to give it to the next great hero which was none other than Odysseus who is the main character of The Iliad which tells the story of his journey back home in Ithaca.
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    The Arrows of Hercules

    Shortly after Achilles had perished a prophecy was told of the bow and arrows of Hercules, which if found would end the war. Philoctetes a wounded archer on the island of Lemnos had the bow and arrows of Hercules so he was put in the battle front but first had to be healed by one of the sons of Asclepius. Once in battle he shot one of the poison arrows at Prince Paris and it merely gave him a scratch but much like Achilles this was enough to kill him.
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    The Uprising

    After nine years of fighting the war and low on supplies the Greek army tried to rebel against their leaders and head back to their home but Achilles forced them to stay and to solve the problem of supply shortage they brought the daughters of Anius who had the ability to creating wine, wheat and oil simply by toughing the earth
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    The Trojan Horse(the end of the war)

    The Trojan Horse(the end of the war)
    In the final days of battle the Aechaeans came up with the brilliant idea to give a hollow horse filled with men to the city of Troy as a gift. At first the Trojans were skeptical about the gist but they eventually let it in their city walls despite the warnings of the daughter of the king, Cassandra. After letting the horse in the Aechaeans waited in the horse waiting for the night to fall to begin their attack. Once the time had come they began their final attack on the city ending the war.