Trojan war

Trojan war by DeAujah D Taylor

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis
    Eris, the Goddess of Discord, was the only god uninvited. She threw a golden apple into the wedding that said "For the Fairest", Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all wanted the apple, but Zeus would not choose between them.
  • Jan 2, 1000

    Judgement of Paris

    Judgement of Paris
    Zeus couldn't choose so he let Paris, the most beautiful man, choose. Athena promised him weath, Hera promsied him power and, Aprhrodite promised him the most beautiful women in the world.He choose Aphrodite
  • Jan 3, 1000

    Paris goes to visit King Menelaus of Sparta

    Paris goes to visit King Menelaus of Sparta
    Aphrodite tells Paris that he can hve Helen, wife of Menelaus king of Sparta. Three people warn him not to go the twin prophets Cassandra and Helenus and his mom but he goes any way and is treated like a royal guest.
  • Jan 4, 1000

    Paris steals Helen

    Paris steals Helen
    King Menelaus goes to a funeral in Crete and Paris steals Helen and they get married in Troy .
  • Jan 5, 1000

    Menelaus declares war

    Menelaus declares war
    King Menelaus comes back and finds his wife gone and declar4es war with the Trojans. He asks Helens other suitors to help him because they said they would help them not kill him when he married Helen. He called his brother and other war heros such as Odyssey,Achllies,and others
  • Jan 6, 1000

    The war starts

    The war starts
    The men gather troops among themselfs and the war start.With the help of the gods on both sides the ten year war started.
  • Jan 7, 1000

    Getting the heros

    Getting the heros
    Many of the heros didnt want to fight like Odyssey and Achilles. Odyssey pretended he went crazy and was putting salt in his field till someone put his son in front of the plow.Achilles dressed up like a lady and went to a place where all the ladies go. But Odyssey saw thru it and they pretended to attack the place but Odyssey had laid out weapons on a table and Achilles went for them instead of running away.Odyssey had find him out
  • Jan 8, 1000

    What gods were on whos side

    What gods were on whos side
    On the Greek side was Athena,Hera,Poseidon.
    On the Trojans side was Aphrodite,Ares,Apollo,Artemis.
    Zeus sided with the Trojans but didn't do much to help because his wife was on the Greeks side.
  • Jan 9, 1000

    The war is over

    The war is over
    The Trojans let the wooden house in the city walls and celebrate their 'win' even after they were warn. Greeks pretened to leave, some hide in the horse. greeks come back and the ones hiding in the horse come out and open gate and they kill and burn the city and take all the women.
  • Jan 10, 1000

    Who dies

    Who dies
    Many aof the great war heros die. Achillies, Ajax,Hector,Paris,Priam,Patoklos. Many died for one of the others hand and one killed hisself.All the Trojan woman left at the end of the war became the greek men's concubines.