
Trimester 1 exam timeline

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    we bought a large amount of land from France, which doubled our Country’s size. Thomas Jefferson was president at the time. This was influenced by manifest destiny. It cost us 15 million dollars, 4 cents an acre. Started the boom of westward expansion. The land was west of the United States in 1803. People believed that we didn’t need the land, people’s ideas clashed.
  • Lowell’s first cotton mill

    Lowell’s first cotton mill
    turned raw cotton into finished product quickly. Lowell hired young woman. Considered the father of the factory system. Helped bring about the market evolution.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    A compromise in which stated that a slave state can be made under the line while a free state would be made to the north of the line. It also was to balance power in congress because Missouri was wanted to join as a slave state but, part of it was north of Ohio, to balance the power they added Maine as a free state.
  • Andrew Jackson elected

    Andrew Jackson elected
    The 7th president who approved the Indian Removal act. He formed the Democratic Party and he was elected in 1828. After he won he held party in the white house, this angered many people because he was wasting the government’s time and money. He also made the rise for the spoils system.
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    An act enforced during Andrew Johnon's term. A law that was widely supported in the south. The tribes tried to resist in legal ways, but others resisted through violence.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    A trail in which Cherokees were being brought to a reserve in Oklohoma. Many cherokees died due to starvation or illness. Not many made it back. This is a cruel punishment for people who didn't do anything wrong.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    A war that we fought with Mexico. After we were North of the Rio Grande river the Mexican army shot upon US troops. It began with border disputes in Texas. After the war we signed the treaty of Guadalupe and Hidalgo which is also called the Mexican cession. We received a lot of land ended in February of 1848 on the 2nd
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    It allowed California to join as a free state but, New Mexico and Utah joined as slave states. Slave trade ended in Washington D.C. people who had slaves in Washington DC were able to keep their slaves. The fugitive slave law was also included in this compromise.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    A book that was published in 1852 that talked about the terrors of slavery. Was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It talked about a slave named Uncle tom who was a slave, his first two owners treated him nicely while the third one named Simon Legree had beaten Tom because he would not tell him where two slaves were hiding. The North was enraged while the south was angered of how Simon was portrayed.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    In 1854 they passed an act which allowed Kansas and Nebraska to join the country through popular sovereignty. Northerners believed that slavery would spread throughout the country after this. The republican party was against this. This would lead to bleeding Kansas, Many people rushed in to get the vote for their side.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    People rushed into Kansas to get their vote for their side. There were violent outbursts.
  • Bessemer process patented

    Bessemer process patented
    The process was a cheaper and more effective way of making steel. Andrew Carnigie made a profit out of this. The first sky scraper was born after it was efficiently made. The Brooklyn Bridge was soon built out of steel and their technique and the strength of the steel shows today because it is still standing.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    This decision made the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. It allowed slavery everywhere. They said that Dred Scott was not a citizen of Missouri and when they went to Wisconsin he wasn’t free either and the government couldn’t take Scott away because that was against the fifth amendment. Northerners were angered while the South was very pleased
  • Oil discovered in Pennsylvania

    Oil discovered in Pennsylvania
    Edwin Drake discovered a large amount of oil. This oil would be used for many tasks. It was alot cheaper than whale oil. Today we still use rock oil to power our cars and other machinery. After he discovered oil, others began digging in Pennsylvania and 13 other states.
  • John Brown’s Raid

    John Brown’s Raid
    he and 21 men took control of the arsenal in Harper’s Ferry, he wanted to get slaves to help them up rise and attack their captors. In the end all his men were killed and John Brown was captured and later hung
  • lincoln elected

    lincoln elected
    He was a republican. Another reason why the South seceeded. He was running against Stephen Douglas,John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    A war that changed our country forever. The south seceeded due to many reasons. Later in the war the North was fighting to end slavery. The war ended in 1865.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    It was when Lincoln declared that all slaves in the Confederacy were free although slavery in the Border States was upheld. The Confederacy ignored it, Lincoln wanted slaves to run away because most of them joined the military. Lincoln had threatened the south that if they did not come back to the union on January 1 1863, he would free all their slaves.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    A battle that is the turning point in the war. The confederates had lost 1/3 of their troops. The union won the battle. Robert E Lee retreated back to vieginia.
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

    Sherman’s March to the Sea
    Marched from Tennessee to Savannah Georgia and they destroyed everything in their path, lowered the South’s morale.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    Surrender at Appomattox Court House
    The confederates were exhausted and they nad no where to turn. General Lee knew he was finished and he met with Ulysses S. Grant and they signed a treaty. This ended the 4 year war and prevented further bloodshed. This would help open a new era to the United States, reconstruction.
  • Reconstruction

    A period to heal america's wounds. Both physically and mentally. First they abolished slavery. Many corrupt people were still in the south plotting against African Americans and even President Lincoln. Many white supremacists were noticed and Lincoln was assassinated. Although after the war was over, there was still alot of tension between the North and South. After it was over the wounds seemed to be healed, but reconstruction was not very good because alot of bad and corrupt decisions weremade
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    At Ford's theater, Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while he was attending a play. Booth did it as a last resort to save the confederacy, it did nothing, but getting himself and Lincoln killed. After Lincoln died Andrew Johnson became President. Many people were saddened by the death of the president who helped them get through the civil war.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The amendment that abolished slavery. The Republicans wanted Johnson to add to this amendment that freed african americans would be allowed to vote. For southern states to join the union, he required them to ratify this amendment. Although, the slaves were not really "free" because they weren't allowed to vote or become citizens in southern states. They would also be under attack by the black codes and other people who restrict them from having simple rights like a white man.
  • Johnson's impeachment

    Johnson's impeachment
    Andrew johnson was impeached because he removed Edward Stanton, the secreetary of war, from his cabinet. This was against the constitution. He was later tried and almost removed from office, but he was lucky because they needed one more vote to remove him. He finished his term. This was a shock in America.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    This allowed African Americans to be citizens and they can have the right to have a trial by jury. The due process of law was given to them.Before it was ratified Andrew Johnson would make speeches about this amendment because he hated it. This amendment reversed the dred scott decision. This amendment helped African Americans and it was an important amendment that was made in reconstruction
  • Black codes

    Black codes
    These were made to restict oppurtunities for African Americans. They needed to pay and take a test to vote. They would also have to do many other things that were to restrict them from becoming a citizen. (no specific date)
  • Transcontinental Railroad completed

    Transcontinental Railroad completed
    Two companies worked on it, they are the central pacific which began in Sacramento. The other company is the Union, Pacific, it began in Omaha, Nebraska. They began work in late 1863. The governenment payed them in land and in cash. For every mile they laid they would recieve 6,400 acres and up to 48,000 dollars. They would make some longer detours, so they could easily make money. Later they gave away that land, so people would live there and have to use the services of the railroad.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This declared that African Americans could not be denied their right to vote. Although, the south found loopholes within this and they made African Americans take an almost impossible test for a recently freed slave who had never been educated and they might not be able to read either, so many were not able to vote.
  • Standard Oil Formed

    Standard Oil Formed
    (Couldn't find exact date) John D. Rockefeller made a huge fortune off of oil, in fact he is still the richest man who ever lived. He made his fortune through a monopoly, a monopoly is owning every single type of it in the US. For Rockefeller, he owned 90 percent of the oil production. He also formed trusts which were companies controlled by a group of trustees or higher ups. He did alot of illegal things to achieve his wealth.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    Began in 1873, an age of industrial growth. Although, from the outside, it looks as if it is a good thing, but on the inside it was corrupt. People like John D. Rockefeller would make monopolies to get rid of all competition. Other monopolists bribed poloticians and they were the ones who basically picked who the president would be. There was also alot of poverty, in large cities many people would be crowded into small apartments. There was alot of filth in the streets.
  • First telephone called

    First telephone called
    Alexander Grahm Bell sent the first voice transmission to another speaker. This was revolutionary for the time. The call was an emergency due to a chemical spill. The first telepohne line was strung in Boston. By 1893 there were more than 250,000 phones. This was a giant contribution to the future of the country, but also the world.
  • light bulb invented

    light bulb invented
    It was invented by Thomas Edison who would later make power availabe to homes. It used a carbon filament. This helped America because people could see and work in the dark with an artificial light that could last alot of time. Factories and businesses' hours were extended and later everyone wanted electricty in there area.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    This outlawed monopolies, trusts and other forms of business that restricted trade. This law was vague, and there were many loopholes. Some say it didn't apply to manufactoring. it was not very effective in stopping these business men, the business men bribed courts and congressmen and they were the ones who controlled who would win the presidency.
  • Carnegie forms his Steel Company

    Carnegie forms his Steel Company
    (Couln't find exact date) Andrew Carneigie made a fortune with steel. He sold steel to many companies for them to build large sky scrapers and bridges.