total war

  • Alliances

    Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy made alliances, saying they will protect each other in case France attacks. Italy went to the side and secretly told France they will not aide Germany. Germany saw this as a threat and declared war.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
    Occurred in Sarajevo, Archduke and his wife were shot dead by Gavrilo Princip. The political goal of the assassination was to break off Austria-Hungary's South Slav provinces so they can be combined into Yugoslavia. This directly led to world war 1 between most European states.
  • Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    The ottoman empire enters war in august 2,1914 against Russia. Following this, Italy joins the allies; Germany loses 450,000 and France loses 200,000.
  • Revenge

    Germany felt a need for revenge, since they lost the first war. The treaty of Versailles was imposed by Germany.
  • WW1 effects WW2

    The economic collapse and the political instability led WW1 to the fascism in Europe to WW2
  • Spring 1918

    Allies start to push Germany back. Later in 1919, Paris Peace Conference opens; despite Wilson's Fourteen Points, Germany effectively crippled by British and French demands. Austria-Hungary dismantled.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist Nazi Party. He built concentration camps for the Jews, hoping to wipe out an entire race. He led wars to the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia.
  • Decline of Power

    WW2 marked an era where powerful groups lost power and the rise of two superpowers; the Soviet Union and the United States of America.
  • United Nations

    The allies formed a group called the united nations, a new global organization for international cooperation and diplomacy.
  • Events of ww2

    Aushwitz is liberated by Soviet Troops. Russians then meet at Berlin, where Hitler commits suicide then Germany surrenders on May 7.