Top 10 - Technology

By kobyrne
  • Hospital

    Dr.Thomas Bond and Benjamin Franklin made the first hospital ever.
  • light bulb

    light bulb
    It was made by Thomas Alva Edison. It was made on Febuary 1847 11th.
  • Tools

    jacob invented tools it was made to fix broken things
  • Power

    A generator manufactures electricity. In a generator, something causes the shaft and armature to spin. An electric current is generated, as shown in the picture (lighting bolt).
    it was made in 2750 B.C
  • Money

    money was invented in 700 B.C
    money was made by metal because it used to be recyclable it also used to be made by salt, tea, tobacco, cattle and seed
  • Medicine

    Medicine was invented by Joseph Lister in 3000 B.C
  • Airplane

    on this day the Wright brothers made the first successful flying machine an airplane. A man rose on power for the first time.
  • Shhelter

    michael invented proper brick housesproper brick houses were invented on 1950.
  • water claners

    water claners
    water cleaners were invented in 1972
    Champman and Skiner invended water cleaners in San Francisco
  • Science

    science is a experiment of knowledge