Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    Biological Beginnings

  • Biological Beginnings: Biological II

    Biological Beginnings: Biological II
    I was born a healthy, crying baby with no genetic defects
  • Biological Beginnings: Biological I

    Biological Beginnings: Biological I
    I was born with similar traits to my parents with a few traits that are different due to genetic variation. I did have a genetic rarity inherited from my parents, Morton's Toe
  • Biological Beginnings: Social

    Biological Beginnings: Social
    I was born at home which was common in the refugee camp I was born in.
  • Infancy: Biological

    Infancy: Biological
    I showed reflexes from birth despite not being conscious of my surroundings. Reflexes such as the moro and rooting reflex.
  • Period: to


  • Infancy: Cognitive

    Infancy: Cognitive
    I learned my first language through imitation and repeated exposure. I was around family members that constantly spoke Somali, and I gradually picked up the language.
  • Infancy: Social

    Infancy: Social
    I was an easy child. I did not cry easily, and I was easily soothed
  • Period: to


  • Childhood: Biological

    Childhood: Biological
    I was a pretty active child, taking risks, and climbing trees.
  • Childhood: Cognitive

    Childhood: Cognitive
    I displayed egocentrism in my early childhood, I believed that others could see from my point of view, so some undeserved frustration was abundant
  • Childhood: Social

    Childhood: Social
    My personality remained consistent throughout childhood, I was quiet, but I had friends who I would run around and play with outside.
  • Adolescence: Biological

    Adolescence: Biological
    I was an early bloomer, I had pubic hair and was 5 foot 5 in sixth grade.
  • Period: to


  • Adolescence: Cognitive

    Adolescence: Cognitive
    I had a different sort of egocentrism in adolescence. I was under the delusion that everybody was watching and judging my every move, though I would have brief breakthroughs where I would realize that maybe everybody else was too absorbed in themselves to care about me, those moments have now become the norm, but I relapse into hyper self-consciousness on rare occasions.
  • Adolescence: Social

    Adolescence: Social
    I was an introvert and would rarely talk unless directly talked to.
  • Period: to

    Early Adulthood

  • Early Adulthood: Biological

    Early Adulthood: Biological
    My muscle strength and tone will decline, and I will most likely gain weight.
  • Early Adulthood: Social

    Early Adulthood: Social
    I will likely develop a romantic relationship and get married.
  • Early Adulthood: Cognitive

    Early Adulthood: Cognitive
    I will likely have found my purpose in this worldy life besides my religion
  • Period: to

    Middle/Late Adulthood

  • Middle/Late Adulthood: Biological

    Middle/Late Adulthood: Biological
    I will likely develop wrinkles, sagging skin, and become shorter and thinner.
  • Middle/Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    Middle/Late Adulthood: Cognitive
    My fluid intelligence will decline, and I will be less likely to remember things. I will also think and react slower
  • Middle/Late Adulthood: Social

    Middle/Late Adulthood: Social
    I will be a proud grandfather, watching my children raise their children, and staying out of a nursing home.