Timeline Project

By J_Young
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Colummbus discovers America

    On this day, Christopher Columbus landed on the mainland of America. With this discovery, new settlers from nations around the world would come to this new land for better opportunities. It was also significant due to the fact that he brought deadly diseases and killed many of the peaceful natives.
  • Establishment of Jamestown

    This establishment was the first successful English settlement in the "New World". Establishing this post was important due to the fact that the trade of goods like lumber and tobacco could be established in a place were the soil premitted the growth of agriculture.
  • New England Colony is Estblished

    Seperatists that were fleeing religious persectution in England finally arrived where they would settle the New England Colony. This event is significant due to that fact it established one of the most successful colonies in the beginning of our nation.
  • Establishment of New York

    After the Dutch traders had established trade routes for the northern colonies, Manhattan Island was purchased to establish a colony as well as a trading post. Because of the settlement on this land, trade was further promoted and owning land in New York was very profitable as many settlers sought to get into the trading business.
  • The Pequot War

    This was one of the first significant wars between colonial settlers and local natives. The ending result was the massacre of the local Pequot and the taking of their lands to eventually become New Haven, Connecticut
  • King Phillip´s War

    War broke out between the English settlers and local native under the rule of Metacom (King Phillip) in the New England colony. This event was significant because it was an instance of different tribes of indians coming together to combat English settlers from taking their land.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    This rebellion was led by Nathaniel Bacon when he massacred local natives at a peace conference between settlers and local indians. The importance of this event shows that racism would drive settlers to do anything to get rid of those that they felt were threats.
  • Enlightenment ideals come to America

    John Locke published his "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" which was quickly spread through the colonies and helped settlers think of the new age ideas like advancements in law, medicine, and government. This event was significant because these writings helped bring new and useful ways of thinking to those that didn't have the opportunity to hear of these ideas within England or even Europe.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Due to economic resentment from the lower class towards the upper class, trials towards women were conducted as accusations of witchcraft were constantly put on those both innocent and guilty. This event stands as a marker of importance due to the fact that this was started due to settlers closeness to one another as that was promoted within the Puritan's religious practices.
  • The Great Awakening

    European protestant revivalism reached the colonies as lessons on sin and salvation. This event is signficant because it was the first instance of religious leaders preaching about the sins that would deny those the opportunity for salvation as sermons were elaborate and very impactful.
  • The Seven Years War

    This war was faught between English and colonial forces against French and local indian forces over land in the Ohio River Valley. This war was important because it allowed for colonial forces to fight among those they would later gain their independence from. It was also important due to the fact that war hadn´t occured on this scale before until the American Revolution.
  • Proclamation Act of 1763

    This document, created by the British law makers, said that colonists couldn´t move past the Appalachain Mountains due Egnland´s desire to not provide security for allied indians. This document is important because it was a contributing factor to resentment towards the British for many colonists who wished to expand their opportunities westward.
  • The Townshend Duties

    The acts were put in place by the British Parliament in order to gain revenue after the failure of the Stamp Act. This is important due to the fact that it failed within the colonies and eventually cost the crown over 23,000 pounds and it also greatly upset the colonists as well.
  • The Boston Massacre

    After much tension between British troops and locals in Boston, a riot turned into bloodshed as the troops opened fire on local shoe makers. This event continues its importance due to the results leading to even more hostility towards British enforcers and it was a stepping stone towards the American Revolution.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    This petitio was sent from the colonies to England in order to fix the resentment felt between British and colonial forces. Due to the colonial outreach, this event remains important because it stood as a last stand effort for the two powers to resolve issues that would eventually lead to the American Revolution.
  • First Continental Congress

    This was the first meeting that set forward the plans to rebel against the British monarchy. This event is important due to the fact that the meeting brought forth many great colonial leaders to unite the country together against the power of the British
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    This plan allowed for the surveying and planning of lands in western states for the deferal government as public treasure to settlers. This remains important because it allowed for future plans to develop in new territory for the United States.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    This federal plan created new states in the western territory for settlers to eventually travel to and create their own opportunities. This plan was important because it provided an orderly transformation of newly acquired land in the nearly unexplored west.
  • 3/5 Compromise

    This compromise was created by delgates that were forced to create "equal" opportunities for slaves that wanted the right to vote. This event remains important because it was an instance where racism led for slave votes to only count as 3/5 of a white man's vote in the eyes of the law; not to mention it only further emphasized the downgrading of slaves as barely human.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Due to high taxes on whiskey production, local brewers decided to protest the newest domestic tax that hurt more whiskey producers than it helped. This event was significant because it showed that improper taxation on citizens could result in the need for militias to stop violence and have life return to normal.
  • Louisiana Purchase of 1803

    President at the time Thomas Jefferson bought a large portion of the territory of the eventualy United States from the owner of land past the Mississippi: France was also in need of money due to military compaigns within Europe. This event was significant because it nearly doubled the original territory of the thirteen colonies as more people had hoped that they could settle out west and create more opportunities for themselves.
  • Madison V. Marbury

    This court cause occured due to John Adams not signing the proper documents in time to appoint enough midnight judges that would uphold his interests as Thomas Jefferson said that Judge Marbury would not be select for the position he had been guarenteed by Adams. The court case is important because it stands as the first instance of judical review.
  • Embargo Act

    This was an act supported by Thomas Jefferson and was signed by congress in order for nations like France and England to respect the rights of American policy makers. The importance of this act was that it was a major factor in the industrialization of the northern states as well as it made goods produced in America illegal to nations like France and England.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    This document was crated for the nations of Europe, telling them to not get involved in the affairs of the western hemisphere. The document was significant due to the fact that no document from the ¨New World¨ had challenged the authority of the nations of the east like that before.
  • The Panic of 1837

    This severe economic depression arose from President Andrew Jackson's actions of putting money into state banks which evnetually doubled the amount of banks and cripled the value of bank notes. This event is important because it was a difficult economic recession that caused the price of good and land to skyrocket past what people could afford.