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Tony's Timeline of American History

By Zax45
  • Founding of JamesTown

    Founding of JamesTown
    The first permanent English colony in America and was established on May 14th, 1607. This is important to American History because this was basiclly the start of America.
  • The Founding of Plymouth Colony

    The Founding of Plymouth Colony
    This was the birthplace of Thanksgiving. Also, it was a place free of religious persecution. This is important to American History because it was the birthplace of Thanksgiving, which is now a national holiday.
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    George Washington

    Was the first President of the United States and lead the Continental Army against the British Red Coats. He is important, because without him, we might still belong to Britain.
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    John Adams

    John Adams was a fouding father, 2nd President, and the 1st vice president. He was important because he helped found the United States of America.
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    James Madison

    Madison was the 4th president of the U.S.A. and helped draft the U.S. Constitution. He also supervised Lewis and Clark's expedition. He was important because of how much he did for America.
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    French and Indian War

    The war was between the French, natives, and the British all pushing for control over the land of "The New World." Some people use the term Seven Years of War for this war. This is important to American History because this changed where the races moved and where the different countries controled different territories.
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    James Monroe

    Was a founding father and the 5th president of the U.S. whom fought in the American Revolution. Monroe was a critical help to the Secretary of State during the war of 1812.
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    American Revoluition

    This was when the Americans began to seperate from Great Britain. They revolted in an uprising over the taxes, Towenshed Acts, Tea Act, Intolerable Acts, and Quebec Acts. This was a VERY important part of American History because this was the start of the United States of America. This was when we united as one against the mighty power of the British.
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    Andrew Jackson

    Was the 7th President of the U.S.A. He defeated the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoes Bend. He was important because of what he did.
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    John Quincy Adams

    He was the 6th president of the U.S. and a diplomat in the House of Representatives. He was important because he wrote the Monroe Doctrine and he was the "negotioater of peace."
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This was the slaying of the coloniolist executed by the British Army in order to try to keep the Parliment laws in order. This was important because it showed the lengthes that the British were willing to goto in order to secure the colonies.
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    William Henry Henson

    He was the 9th president and was a general in the War of 1812.He is important because he could be seen as an inspiration.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was orchestrated by the "Sons of Liberty" in order to protest "No taxation without representation." This is important because this proved that the colonist could fight too, and would not give up without fighting.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This was a document stating the seperation between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain. This is important because it was when we Americans stood independent and united as one against the mighty British Empire.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    This was a convention of the 12 delagtes from the colonies(Georga not present). They discussed the Coercive Acts(or the Intolerable Acts). Organized the first congress with 56 members appointed by the legislatures of the 12 colonies (Province of Georga not present). This is important because it basiclly started the first united government of America.
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    Constitutional Convention

    This was a convention on how we would run/manage the United States of America. They also discussed who would manage the presidential duties.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    First constitution for the United States; replaced by the current United States Constitution on September 13, 1788. This is important because it helped us carve this great nation for what it is today.
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    Martin Van Buren

    He was the 8th president of the U.S.A. and was a key organizer in the Democratic Party, and the first president of no British or Irish decent. He was important because was one of the first to oppose the Whig party.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris declared the ending of the American Revlution War with the British. This is important because it shows how you should fight for what you believe in.
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    Shay's Rebellion

    This was an armed uprising that took place in Massachusettes. This was lead by Danial Shay and caused by the state of what the nation was in. This is important so that we can stop these types of things if they were to happen again.
  • The U.S. Constitution of America

    The U.S. Constitution of America
    The Constitution is the supreme and ultimate governing law for the U.S. This was important because it is how we live today.
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    John Tyler

    John Tyler was the 10th President and was against nationalism. He was important because he was president not by vote but by William Henry Henson dying.
  • National Bank

    National Bank
    The National Bank was the bank owned by the state, of which it belongs to, in this case the U.S.A. This was important because it was the first bank, and it belonged to the state/congress.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights was just a clever name for the first 10 amendments of the U.S. Constitution. This is important because it put a limit on the governments power and gave a lot of power to the public and the citizens of the state.
  • The Invention of the Cotton Gin

    The Invention of the Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was a machine that seperated the cotton fibers faster than manual seperation. This is important because it helped the southern plantations.
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    Nat Turner

    Nat Turner lead a rebellion against slavery in the states. This is important because it showed how desperate they were to stop slavery.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was the purchase of territory from the French for $15 million. This was important because it helped America grow as a nation.
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    Lewis and Clark's Expedition

    Lewis and Clark explored the Lousisana Purchase and created a VERY detailed map of America. This was important because it allowed us to travel west.
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    William Lloyd Garrison

    He was a man who was an abolishist which ment that he tried to abolish slavery. He was important because he showed us how we needed to change our ways.
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    War of 1812

    The war of 1812 was the war between the British/Irish and the Native Americans and the "new" Americans. It start over several issues, including a series of trade restrictions put in place by the British to stop the Americans trading with the French, the impressment of U.S. seaman into the Royal Navy, and the British military support for the armed Indian attacks against the Americans. This was important because it was the second war of independence from the British.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This was a law that prohibited slavery north of Missouri. This was important because it showed which states were free states and which were slave states.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This basiclly said that America is responsible for America and that England CANNOT come here because they don't have business. This is important because it showed how powerful America was.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This was a law (Also known as the Trail of Tears) that Andrew Jackson put into play to move Indians West of federal territory. This was important because the were moved for land for the white man, and for manifest destiny.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was caused by the Indian Removal Act forcing all indians to move west. This was important because it showed how much Americans wanted the "New World" to be theirs.
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    The Battle of Alamo (Part of the Texas Revolution)

    This was a battle between Mexico and the Texans. The Mexicans sieged Texas for 13 days on Alamo Mission. All the Texan Defenders were killed. This was important because it showed that it wasn't only the British who wanted America.
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    Mexican-American War

    This was an armed war between Mexico and America because America wanted land and Mexico didnot want to negtioate. This was important because this was how we expanded America.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    This was the belief that American settlers were destined to explore and expand throughout the continet. This is important because it is what drove the settlers.