
Timeline of Tumblr

  • Development of Tumblr Begins

    Development of Tumblr Begins
    David Karp and developer Marco Arment began working on their own tumblelogging platform after Karp had been interested in tumblelogs (short-form blogs) for some time and was waiting for one of the established blogging platforms to introduce their own tumblelogging platform. As no one had done so he began work on developing tumblr.
  • Tumblr Launched

    Tumblr Launched
    Tumblr was launched in February 2007 and within two weeks, the service had gained 75,000 users
  • Option to Reblog introduced

    Option to Reblog introduced
    Users could now reblog other users content.
  • Users can now post Audio posts and tags

    Users can now post Audio posts and tags
  • Notifications for new followers and reblogs introduced

    Notifications for new followers and reblogs introduced
  • Blue Dashboard introduced

    Blue Dashboard introduced
  • Likes introduced

    Bloggers can now like each others photos
  • Twitter integrates with tumblr

    Twitter integrates with tumblr
    Twitter integrates with tumblr and draft and queue options introduced
  • Iphone App

    Iphone App
  • Endless Scrolling and Photosets introduced

    Endless Scrolling and Photosets introduced
    Users can now scroll endlessly on the dashboard and add photo sets
  • Facebook and Tumblr Unite

    Facebook and Tumblr Unite
    Option to post to facebook now avaliable
  • Servers go down temporarily

    Servers go down temporarily
  • Company Recieves $85 million in investments

    Company Recieves $85 million in investments
  • President Barack Obama opens Tumblr account

    President Barack Obama opens Tumblr account
  • Astronaut makes tumblr post from out of space

    Astronaut makes tumblr post from out of space
  • Yahoo acquires tumblr for 1.1 billion

    Yahoo acquires tumblr for 1.1 billion