
Timeline of Charles Darwin

  • The birth: Charles Robert Darwin

    The birth: Charles Robert Darwin
    Charles Robert Darwin was born in Sherewsbury the February 12, 1809 .
  • Darwin Started study medicine

    Darwin in October 1825 entered the University of Edinburgh to study medicine for his father's decision
  • Darwin makes a friendship

    Darwin makes a friendship
    Rather than academic studies he was forced to take , Darwin drew his advantage in Cambridge voluntary classes botanist and entomologist John Henslow assistance , whose friendship he reported "an inestimable benefit "
  • He finished his studies

    He finished his studies
    Upon completion of his studies in April 1831 , Reverend Henslow persuaded him profundizase in geology
  • Meets Adam Sedwick

    Meets Adam Sedwick
    Henslow introduced to Adam Sedgwick , founder of the Cambrian system , who just started his studies on it in an expedition to North Wales in April of that same year with a Darwin
  • Beagle Expedition

    Beagle Expedition
    The December 27, 1831 the Beagle sailed from Davenport to Darwin on board , ready to begin what he called his " second life" after two months of disappointing hopes in Plymouth, while the ship was repaired the damage caused to his previous trip and after the gale thwarted two attempts at starting
  • Became ill

    Became ill
    It has been speculated that in March 1835 , contract a latent called Chagas disease as a result of an insect bite infection.
  • The fruits of a journey

    Darwin returned to England on October 2, 1836 ; the change in those years must have been so remarkable that his father , "the most acute observer has seen skeptical natural and I was far from believing in phrenology " ruled to re- see the shape of his head He had changed completely. Also his health had altered ; towards the end of the trip he was dizzy more easily than in the beginning , and in the fall of 1834 he had been sick for a month
  • Scientific Achievements

    Scientific Achievements
    Among the scientific achievements of Darwin during the voyage, the first to see the light ( 1842 ) would be the theory of the formation of coral reefs by growing it at the edges and on top of islands that were sinking slowly
  • Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Character

    From 1846 to 1854, Darwin was occupied in writing their monographs on cirrípodos , for which he had become interested while in the coast of Chile to find copies of a type that posed problems of classification
  • His last days of life

    In late 1881 he began to suffer serious heart problems
  • Came an end

    Came an end
    He died of a heart attack on April 19, 1882 .