Timeline of Genocide

  • Schutzstaffel Organized

    This was a organization under hitler and it was made up of elite soldiers.
  • Hitler Claims Emergency Powers

    He claims powers because he said the communist caught this building on fire.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    he becomes chancellor for germany it affected the germans
  • Boycott of jewish businesses

    Germans made a boycott on jewish businesses so they would go out of business.
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    The Nazis would boycott them so they would go out of business.
  • Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases

    This law allowed the weeding out of non germans. This affected non Germans in Germany because they were being sterilized.
  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    This law by the German government allowed people who seemed like a threat to society to be imprisoned. It affected the jews because it was mostly used against them.
  • Nazi’s Occupy Rhineland

    They occupied it to show there power and to take over it and this violated the treaty of versailles
  • Reichs zentrale is created

    This was a German organization to distribute propaganda throughout Germany. It affected a lot of German people because they got wrong information
  • Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass

    When the nazis went around and destroyed jewish peoples properties
  • Einsatzgruppen, starts

    It was a group who were tasked with securing areas.
  • Lodz Ghetto Opens

    Established by nazi germans and it was for polish jews and romas
  • St. Louis Ship (with Jews)

    It was a ship that carried the jewish people to cuba.
  • Yellow Star for German Jews

    German Jews had to wear these stars so people could tell they were jewish because the nazis didn't like them.
  • Einsatzgruppen, starts

    Einsatzgruppen were special SS tasked with killing Soviet Jews and political enemies. This affected the Soviet Jews and other people they killed.
  • Germany invades Poland

    they invaded poland and this affected the people who lived in poland.
  • Germany invades poland

    they invaded poland to try to take it.
  • Auschwitz opens

    It was a concentration camp and the nazis would bring people there because they are minority.
  • Madagascar Plan presented

    It was a plan to move all the jews to madagascar.
  • Auschwitz opens

    It was the biggest camp to open and it affected the people who the Nazis brought there
  • The Commissar Order

    To kill people who were soviets.
  • Babi Yar

    It was were 34,000 jews were killed in two days.
  • Babi Yar

    Its were a lot of people got killed and there were 34,000 jews killed in 2 days
  • Wannsee Conference

    It was a conference held by nazi officials.
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager

    It was a ghetto for the roma's and it affected them
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager

    It is a family camp for romas.
  • Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz

    He would experiment on the people in the concentration camps.
  • Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz

    He is a doctor who experiment on people who comes to the camp.
  • Himmler Orders Liquidation of ghettos

    He took them out of the ghettos and put them into concentration camps.
  • Last Gassing at Auschwitz

    it was the last gassing because the war was about to end.
  • Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz

    As the soviets approached he demanded destruction of the camp
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    When the soviets came in and liberated people who were in the camps. Affected people in the camps
  • Hitler commits suicide

    he kills himself and everyone benefits.
  • International Military Tribunal

    This was the trial the captured Nazis leaders faced. They were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity and more. This affected the world and jews because they didn't have to worry about the Nazis anymore, and the Jews aren't being persecuted anymore.
  • Eichman captured

    he got captured for his war crimes. This affected the Jews cause he had a big roll in the holocaust.
  • Adolf Eichmann captured

    He was captured for his war crimes and this affected the germans.
  • Dr Josef Mengele Dies

    He dies this affected the people in camps and it meant he wouldn't do his experiments on people anymore.
  • Dr Josef Mengele Dies

    He died and it affected the people in the camps because he died