United states territorial acquistions midcentury

Timeline of American Westward Expansion

  • Lewis & Clark Expedition

    Lewis & Clark Expedition
    The expedition explores the Missouri River and the Oregon Territory, establishing contact with Native Americans in the region, describing flora and fauna.
  • American Fur Company established along the Missouri

    American Fur Company established along the Missouri
    The company worked vigourosly to improve native Indian trails to improve travel and connection to the Pacific Northwest. This set the tone for business ventures in the Midwest and interest in purusing lucrative opportunities in "uninhabited" lands.
  • Construction of National Road authorized

    Construction of National Road authorized
    This road, stretching from Cumberland, Maryland to Vandalia, Illinois, marked the first federally improved highway.
  • Erie Canal completed

    Erie Canal completed
    Connecting the Northeast to the Midwest served many purposes. Most notably, trade was enhanced, allowing food and other items to become more affordable to citizens.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    The original map of Texas included a much larger area than current-day, but state debt resulted in Texas ceding land to the federal government.
  • Brigham Young leads followers to Salt Lake

    Brigham Young leads followers to Salt Lake
    This day would become known at Pioneer Day in Utah, reflecting the close relationship the state has with Young and the LDS Church.
  • Gold Rush begins in California

    Gold Rush begins in California
    The influx of pioneers looking for wealth in gold created a new idea of rags-to-riches. Settlements rose quickly as the area became populated.
  • 1851 Indian Appropriations Act

    1851 Indian Appropriations Act
    The aim of the Act was to protect Native Americans from westward expansion with the creation of reservations.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Not only did the Act establish Kansas and Nebraska as states, but it allowed landowners to determine the legality of slaves on their own properties.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862
    Applicants could establish residency on uninhabited federal land for little to no cost.
  • Transcontinental Railroad completed

    Transcontinental Railroad completed
    The Union Pacific Railroad met the Central Pacific Railroad at Promontory Summit, Utah.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Lt. Col. George A. Custer and more than 260 men meet death at the hands of several thousand Lakota and Cheyenne warriors.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Due in part to an excess of Chinese labor following the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, immigration from China was strictly prohibited.
  • Buffalo population dwindles

    Buffalo population dwindles
    Studies detailed that only 2,000 bison native to the Great Plain remained out of the estimated 20 million that roamed prior to westward expansion.