timeline of 1750 - 1918

  • abolition of slavery

    the riangular trades went for centuries. the trianguler trade was beeteween america, africa and europe. europe supplied textiles and manufacured goods. africa supplied man power through slavery. and america supplied raw goods like tobacco.
  • French and Indian War Begins

    Young George Washington sent to Ohio River Valley to protect British colonists from French -Fired first shots at French force near Fort Dusquesne -French respond with 10-hour siege of Fort Necessity, Washington forced to surrender on 4th of July
  • Battle of Quebec

    British scale cliffs up to Quebec during the night -Battle the next morning on Plains of Abraham on the outskirts of Quebec -Battle lasts 15 minutes- French defeated - British commander James Wolfe(in picture) and French commander Marquis de Montcalm both fatally wounded
  • French and Indian War Ends

    -Treaty of Paris ended the war, -No more French power in North America, but allowed to keep West Indian Islands. French settlers remain.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 forbade the settlement of American colonists beyond the Appalachian mountains pending further adjustments. -It was designed to fairly work out Native disputes. -The Proclamation angered colonists, as they had fought for this territory and believed they had a right to it. -Many colonists settled on this territory anyway.
  • Sugar act

    -First law ever passed by Parliament raising tax revenue in colonies -Increased tax on sugar imported from West Indies to North American colonies -Colonists- very unhappy. After bitter protest these taxes were substantially lowered and agitation died down.
  • stamp act

    Act passed by Prime Minister George Grenville in 1765 to pay for the military stationed in the colonies -Required that stamps be affixed to paper as proof of payment -About fifty items needed stamps, including commercial and legal documents -Examples: marriage licenses, bills of lading, newspapers, pamphlets, diplomas and playing cards -Caused uproar in colonies- led to nonimportation agreements, Stamp Act Congress -Repealed after much protest in 1766
  • Stamp Act Congress

    -Congress in New York City with twenty seven delegates representing nine colonies. -had dignified debate, then drew up statement of rights and grievances urging Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act -Ignored in Britain, had little effect in colonies, but step toward colonial unity
  • Boston Massacre

    Sixty colonists taunted ten redcoats, clubbing them and throwing rocks and snowballs, provoking them to open fire. Eleven "innocent" colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks, the leader of the mob and a runaway "mulatto" slave. Though both sides were partially to blame, this incident was used in revolutionary propaganda (pictured) and fueled the colonists' anger.
  • First Continental Congress

    Convention held in Philadelphia to discuss colonial grievances, what to do about them. 12 colonies were represented by 55 delegates. Drew up Declaration of Rights, wrote appeals to other British American colonies, King George III and the people of Britain. Petitions rejected. Also established The Association, banning all trade with Britain- import and export. Did not yet want independence.
  • Battle of Lexington

    "Lexington Massacre" took place right before Battle of Concord. Both were attempts by the British to seize colonial gunpowder and capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock- leaders of rebellion. Colonial militia did not disperse quick enough- British opened fire. Eight colonists killed, several wounded.
  • first fleet

    Between 1788 and 1850 the English sent over 162,000 convicts to Australia in 806 ships. The first eleven of these ships are today known as the First Fleet and contained the convicts and marines that are now acknowledged as the Founders of Australia
  • french revolution

    the revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799 and reached its first climax there in 1789. Hence the conventional term “Revolution of 1789
  • thomas edersons lightbulb

    at his laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, Edison had built his first high resistance, incandescent electric light
  • statue of liberty

    statue of liberty a gift to the united states from france, is unveiled in new york city harbor
  • australias federation

    The British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • titanic sinks

    the Titanic, largest ship afloat, left Southampton, England on her maiden voyage to New York City, aoong the journey it hits a ice berg and sinks
  • henry fords production line

    Henry Ford used the first large-scale, moving assembly line to produce his Model-T. Though Model-Ts had been built since 1908
  • franz ferdinands assasination

    A Serbian terrorist group, called The Black Hand, had decided that the Archduke should be assassinated and the planned visit provided the ideal opportunity
  • treaty of versailles

    The Versailles treaty deprived Germany of around 13.5% of its 1914 territory (some seven million people) and all of its overseas possessions.