TimeLine from 1800-1825

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the Unite States. It cost the U.S. about 15 million dollars. One of the reasons Napoleon sold it to us was because he needed money for war debt.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    The Non-Intercourse Act let the U.S. start trading again. The only people we couldn't trade with was France, Britain, and their colonies. This act replaced the Embargo Act of 1807.
  • Cumberland Road

    Cumberland Road
    Cumberland Road was the first road that the federal government built. This road stretched from Cumberland, Maryland all the way to St. Luis.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 had many battles to it. One of the bad ones was when the British burned the white house and took over Washington D.C. Another one was the Battle of Tippecanoe. One of the best Indian leaders name Tecumseh. He died at the Battle of Tippecanoe. The last battle of the war was the Battle of New Orleans. Andrew Jackson became a hero at this battle by saving the U.S. from loosing it. This battle went on for two weeks after the Treaty of Ghent was signed.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    After the Treaty of Ghent was signed the Battle of New Orleans still went on for two weeks. The treaty ended the war of 1812. The treaty was signed in Belgium. This treaty also helped settle the border disputes with the U.S. and Canada.
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement

    Rush-Bagot Agreement
    The Rush-Bagot Agreement limited all of the naval power on the great lakes. This also built up controversy between the U.S. and British, Canada because the both faught over the great lakes. They finally came to an agreement that they will split the lakes.
  • Convention of 1818

    Convention of 1818
    The Convention of 1818 helped settle the border disputes between the U.S. and Canada. The Border went all the way to the Rockie Mountains. The also agreed to share the Pacific Northwest or the Oregon country.
  • McCulloch V. Maryland

    McCulloch V. Maryland
    This court case allowed the creation of a National Bank of the United States. Two Supreme Court case decisions that reinforced the powers of the federal government.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    The Adams-Onis Treaty helped settle the border disputes between Spain and the U.S. In this treaty Spain gave the U.S. East Florida. The U.S. payed five million dollars from the citizens claims' to use against Spain.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    In this document their are three main conditions to it. The first one is that Missouri is going to enter as a slave state. The second part is that Maine is going to enter as a free state to even out the number of slave and free states. The final part is that there will be no slaves in any new states or any new territories.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The U.S. wrote that no European country can interfere with the Western Hemisphere. The U.S. considers Latin America part of us so we will protect them if any European country tries to interfere with them.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    The Gibbons vs Ogden case doesn't let the U.S. states interfere with congress. The states also could not regulate with the interstate commerce.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    In the election of 1824 Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams ran against each other. Andrew Jackson won for president, but he didn't have enough electoral college votes. Jackson still got office and Adams was Secretary of State.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal went from Albany, New York to Buffalo, New York. The canal took eight years to complete. They built the whole entire canal by hand, and dug it all out with shovels. It split the Hudson River and Lake Erie.