Timeline Assesment Task

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    James Watt invents a more efficient steam engine that has the abiltiy to operate machinery. The steam engine would power pistons which would operate machinery and this meant that machinery could work at a much faster rate.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is an important document in the history of USA. It states and confirms that USA becomes its own country and separate from Great Britain. 56 people signed the Declaration of Independence.
  • First Fleet to Australia

    First Fleet to Australia
    Lead by Arthur Phillip, 11 ships set sail from Great Britain on the 13th of May, 1787 and eight months later they landed in Australia. Aboard the ships were convict prisoners who were sent here from their home countries as a punishment of breaking the law. The route taken by these ships was dangerous because they had only been used three times prior to the first fleet.
  • Invention of Battery

    Invention of Battery
    In 1800 Alessandro Volt of Italy, invent the first battery that is able to store electric current. Some batteries dated back to 250 BC but they were'nt able to store electric current until Volta came into the scene. The modern day unit for electric current, Volt, was named after Volta.
  • First Passenger Railway

    First Passenger Railway
    George Stephenson builds the first passenger railway. It was the first railway to carry passengers with official timetables and tickets. It ran between Manchester and Liverpool in Northern England.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    In 1850, Edward Hargraves discovers a gold nugget in NSW. This triggers many more gold rushes across Australia. Many foreigners set camp near Geelong and Melbourne to go to Ballarat to mine for Gold. This massivly increases the population in both Geelong and Melbourne.
  • Invention of Telephone

    Invention of Telephone
    In 1886 Alexander Bell along with his assistant, Thomss Watson, invented the telephone. Bell invented the telepone by accident when he was only trying to make a device that could sent multiple telegraphs at the same time. To this day telephones are one of the biggest forms of communication and most people on the planet would have either a mobile phone or a telephone.
  • Eiffel Tower Opened

    Eiffel Tower Opened
    Construction on the eiffel tower began on the 28th of Jan, 1887 and on the 15th of may it had its grand opening. It was built by and named after Gustave Eiffel. At the time of completion it was the tallest human-made structure in the wolrd and it stayed that way for the next 41 years. The eiffel tower is an important feature on this timeline because it is one of the most unique structures in the world and it is still enjoyed by over 6 million tourists a year.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    On the 1st of Jan, 1901 Australia becomes one big country. The six british colonies of NSW, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia form together to make one country.
  • First powered, controlled flight

    First powered, controlled flight
    On the 17/12/1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright took off the ground on the first unassisted, controlled plane flight. It was the first plane to sustain being in the air for a certain period of time without falling out of the sky. This was one of the most memrable and important events in Aviation history.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The titanic departs Southampton, England on the 10th of April and it was demeemed "unsinkable". 4 days later, the titanic hits an iceberg in the Atlantic and takes roughly 3 hours to sink. 705 people survived out of 2227.
  • WW1 Ends

    WW1 Ends
    WW1 started on June 28 1914. But after 4 years of bloody war the first World War ends on the 11th of November 1918. People world wide were in shock and disbelief when the world ended but there was also massive relief.