Time traveling project

  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    Watch Paul Revere take his famous ride through Massachusetts. Maybe jump on a horse and help spread the word faster. Paul Revere was a silversmith from Massachusetts who was later famous for riding his horse yelling "The British are comming!"
  • Signing of the Declaration Of Independence

    Signing of the Declaration Of Independence
    Watch Ben Franklin and the other founding fathers sign the declaration of Independence. This document was a freedom treaty declaring to break away from Great Brittan. This is important because it was the document that declared the U.S. as our own country. Grab a feather pen and sign it yourself!
  • The start of slavery in America

    The start of slavery in America
    By stopping slavery in america, you can prevent slavery in the south, segregation, and maybe even the Civil War! Slavery has been a long term problem in the U.S. ever since the begining of our country.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    From a safe distance, watch the Union and the Confederates battle it out at this historic location in Gettysburg. This battle was a very inportant battle in the Civil War. It occoured for three days and was eventually won by the Union army.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln's Assassination
    Stop Booth from killing Lincoln by Alerting the guards before he enters and change the course of time drasticly. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and led the country through the Civil War. He was shot just 3 days after the end of the Civil War.
  • First Car (Model T)

    First Car (Model T)
    Watch the first car, The Model T, Be unvailed in 1908 and see the start of a modern success. The Model T was invented by Henry Ford who also founded the Ford Motor Company.
  • Start of WWII

    Start of WWII
    Prevent the second world war and save many american lives by stopping Hitler and the Natzi's from starting a rampage in Europe.The secong world war was said to be caused by Adolph Hitler, leader of the Natzi army in Germany.
  • Re-live the 1950's

    Re-live the 1950's
    Enjoy living through the 1950's once again by having your very own house and car during this historic time in history.
  • JFK's Assassination

    JFK's Assassination
    Stop Lee Harvy Oswald from assassinating President Kennedy and, as historians say, possibly prevent the U.S.from entering the Vietnam War. John F. Kennedy was also a great american president. He was shot while riding in a open car motorcade in Dallas, TX.
  • First walk on the moon

    First walk on the moon
    Experience Neil Armstrong be the first american to walk on the moon. But bring technology from today to 1969 and you could be the first to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong was one of the astronauts on board Apollo 11. He was chosen to be the first american to step onto the moon.
  • First Consumer Computer

    First Consumer Computer
    Watch the first consumer computer be unvailed. Take your laptop along to show them what future computers will look like. Unvailing the first consumer computer was a very big moment in U.S. history. Along with the car, it was also the start of a modern sucsess.
  • Elvis Presley's death

    Elvis Presley's death
    Prevent Elvis Presley's death by stopping him from doing drugs so he can live on to be a singing legend. Elvis Presley was known for being the first rock and roll star. He was a sucsess by the start of his career.
  • 9-11-01

    Save hundreds of lives both in the buildings and the planes as you stop the planes from taking off on september 11th 2001.This was one of the darkest moments in our most recent history. Many were killed in both the planes and in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
  • 2008 election

    2008 election
    Was John McCain your choice for the 2008 election? If so, then its your lucky day. Now you can have your canidate win the Presidency over Obama.
  • Sandy Hook

    Sandy Hook
    Stop the shooting rampage at Sandy Hook elementary School in Connecticut to save over 20 lives of children and teachers. What caused this? Some say that the shooter, Adam Lanza, was mentally posesed.