
Time Travel Project

  • Mar 8, 776

    First Olympic Games - BC

  • Mar 5, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    I am going to go back and bring with me the cure to the bubonic plague when the plague just begins to spread. This way, the number of people that are killed by the plague will be majorly reduced.
  • Pilgrims

    I am going back and bringing with me food, water, supplies, and workers. The food and water is so that the people won't starve in the winter time. The workers are so that their houses can be built faster, and the supplies are so their buildings are more sturdy and sufficient. By doing this, more pilgrims will survive the winter.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
  • Titanic Scene

    Titanic Scene
  • The Great Influenza

    The Great Influenza
  • Tri- State Tornado

  • Hindenburg

  • Holocaust

  • 911 Tragedy

    911 Tragedy
    The 911 attack was when th
  • Ben Roethlisberger

    Ben Roethlisberger
  • Track Meet

    Track Meet
    At this track meet in 2012, I was running for Garden Spot in the 1600 meter race in track and field. In the last 10 meters, I looked back and lost the race by .1 seconds. This event was important because it was one of the only races that I lost in. I want to go to this event so I can tell myself to not look back so I can win. When I do this, I can make my track record even better.
  • Shannon Rowbury Olympics

    Shannon Rowbury is an olympic athlete, who competes in the distance events (the 800m, the 1500m, the 1600m, the 3000m, the 3200m) in track and field. She has won the US track and field championshi At the Olympic Games in 2012, Shannon Rowbury came in 6th place overall, and 1st place for the United States for the 1500 meter. This event was important because it proved to everyone that she was the best United States 1500 meter female runner. I want to go this event so I could see her run that race.
  • Movie Theater Shooting in Colorado

    Movie Theater Shooting in Colorado
  • Battle of Marathon - BC