time line of my life :)

  • birth

    i was born in red bank new jersey at 12 03 pm
  • became an uncle

    became an uncle
    i became an uncle for the first time. my neice gabby was born.
    happy for mny
  • moved to florida

    moved to florida
    moved to inverness florida with my grand parents. i lived there fora year and a half
  • moved again to virginia

    i moved to chesterfield virgina and lived there for 2 years . played baseball and football
  • the big news

    i was diagnosed with non hodgekins lymphoma .. a type of cancer. i had a tomor behind my heart and i went threw kemo treatment.
  • finshed treatment in virginia

    i finished kemo treatment on this day and i finished it in richmond virginia at vcu medical center.
  • first day of high school

    my first day of high school was at jr tucker. i played football for ther jv team. i went there for a year and a half .
  • my bros baby

    i became an uncle for the third timke but it is from my brother
  • moved across town

    i moved across town and moved to a diffrent high school . the HERM now i play football and baseball