Thomas Jefferson Era

  • Jan 1, 1492

    America Discovered

    Christopher Columbus
    found on a quest to Asia
    later claimed independence
  • Nov 10, 1508

    Beginning of British Exploration

    The first successful colony was Jamestown
    tried to find a passage way to Asia
    people began to colonize the new world
    conflicts began over land.
  • Roanoke Established

    first english colony
    run by ralph lane
    “lost colony”
    drought doomed Roanoke
  • Jamestown

    first successful colony in Virgina
    first colony of British empire
    started new nation
    began to strip land of resources
  • Plymouth/Mass Bay Colony

    economically successful
    English settlement
    20,000 people migrating to New England in the 1630’s
    frictions arose over cultural differences
  • Thomas Jefferson Elected President

    author of declaration of independence
    3rd US president
    Purchase of Louisiana territory
    vast new acquisition that Lewis and Clark discovered
  • French and Indian War

    known as 7 years war
    fought on frontier
    created huge debt for Britain
    great expansion of British territorial claims in New world
  • French and Inidan war ended

  • Revolutionary War

    Colonists allied with French
    Colonists did not have training British did and still fought against them
    Treaty of Paris of 1783
    Colonists gained independence from Britain
  • Declaration of independence

    bill of rights
    fight for it began during the revolutionary war
    made america free
  • Articles Of Confederation

    Denied congress the power to collect taxes
    All 13 states had to agree to any amendment of the federal government’s power
    Replaced by constitution
    adopted by continental congress
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    ended revolutionary war
    recognized American independence
    Signed by John Jay, Ben Franklin, and John Adams
    parts of treaty were not honored by both nations
  • Constitution Created

    oldest and shortest written constitution of any major government
    celebrated on september 17th
    James Madison is the father of it
  • John Adams Elected President

    graduated from Harvard
    defended british soldiers in the Boston massacre
    became 2nd president of US
    While he was president the US government moved from Philadelphia to Washington DC
    threat of war with France
  • XYZ affair

    political and diplomatic episode
    administration of John Adams involving an confrontation with the US and France.
    Quasi War
    Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    four bills that were passed by the federalists in the 5th US congress and signed into law by President John Adams in 1798
    Quast War
    allowed the president to imprison or deport aliens considered dangerous
    denounced by Democratic-Republicans and helped them to victory in the 1800 election