Thomas Edison

  • President (Political)

    James K. Polk was President in 1847, the year Edison was born.
  • Michigan (Political)

    The State of Michigan abolishes the Death Penalty
  • Steel (Economic)

    Production of steel revolutionized by invention of the Bessemer process
  • The Origin of Species (social)

    Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of Species, putting forward the theory of evolution by natural selection; this causes constroversy in society due to its challenges presented to traditional minds.
  • Alice Sanger (social)

    Alice Sanger became the first female staffer in the White House; this is a socially important event because it was the first step into getting women into the White House.
  • DAR (Social)

    The Daughters of the American Revolution is founded in 1860; this social event describes a major political group of only women that is founded. This is not only rare at the time, but the organization is still active today.
  • President (political)

    Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States of America.
  • Civil War begins (Military)

    The Civil War begins, unsettling the entire country.
  • Slavery Ends (Social)

    Although Slavery legally ends in the United States on this date, it proves major social controversy as African Americans did not recieve the rights they deserved simply by not being legally owned.
  • Wade-Davis Bill (Political)

    The Wade-Davis bill is proposed to rebuild the south; however it is beaten by the 'Ten Percent Plan'
  • phonograph (technological)

    One of Edison's most famous inventions was the Phonograph, which is the base of all recored sound used in today's society.
  • Light Bulb (technological)

    Edison' version of the light bulb is completeled. While Edison is credited with the invention, he actually only improved on a model.
  • World War I (Military)

    World War I begins
  • Naval Consultant Board (Military)

    Edison was asked to head the Naval Consultant Board in 1915 so that his genius could be used by America’s armed forces.
  • Red Scare (Political)

    The Red Scare begins; this is the fear of Communism in the United States. The political use of fear is infamous in this movement. The Red Scare even leads to deportations of Russian Citiziens.
  • Prohibition (Social)

    While society was lacking grace in this time, political leaders blamed it on alcohol. Despite being an idea that was introduced strongly, it socially was ignored and people drank illegally until it was repealed.
  • Workers Strike (Economic)

    The seatle general strike begins in 1919. Over 65,000 workers stirke, which affected the economy due to the lack of production.
  • The Treaty of Versailles (Political)

    This treaty ends WWI
  • 20th Amendment (Political)

    The beginning and ending of the terms of the elected federal offices is established in the 20th Amendment; this is politcally significant because it changed our government system by adding another 'check of power' to the president.
  • Prohibition ends (economic)

    Although this is a political event, many argue that alcohol was made legal again to help the economy so people could legally sell it.