
  • french and indian war

    1747-1752 - French fur trapers regularly huntedin lands claimed by both the French and the English. Two French expeditions where sent to ask the indians to stop trading with the English.
  • French and Indian war

    1753 - A third french expedition was sent to build forts in the ohio country.
  • Boston Massacre

    february 1767 - Samual adams writes a circulor letter opposing taxation without representation and asking the coloniest to oppos the british government.
  • boton massacre

    June 1767 - The English parliment passes the townshed revenue acts, a new series of taxes on the coloniest in return for administering and protecting the American colonies.
  • Revolutionary War

    The boston tea party occurs. colinist diguise themselfs as mohawk indians and dump 342 containers of tea into the botson harbor.
  • Revolutionary War

    A new version of the 1765 counter act is passed by the english parliment requiring colniest to provied housing for british troops.